Chapter 41 ~ Whispers of Deceit

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I tried to stifle a yawn, my arms extending in front of me in a languid stretch. The room was empty, a testament to the early hour, and I couldn't help but let out a weary sigh. The relentless training sessions had begun to take their toll on me, both in the mornings and afternoons. Anxiety had become a constant companion, a nagging presence that had settled deep within me. Sometimes, I couldn't help but regret putting my name into that cursed Goblet of Fire. But then, at other times, I didn't.

"Come on, you need to focus!" Edmund's voice sliced through the fatigue that threatened to consume me. His fingers snapped impatiently in front of my face, his frustration evident.

I frowned, inhaling deeply as I tried to summon my scattered concentration. "I am! I just need a minute." I protested, the words emerging as a half-hearted defence. The truth was, the weight of the upcoming tournament, the danger that loomed on the horizon, was becoming an ever-present burden.

"You're not going to get just a minute out there in that tournament," Edmund's voice was edged with anger as he took a step closer, his hand running agitatedly through his hair. "It's going to be so dangerous that I can't bear to stand the thought of anything happening to you. I need you to focus, Y/n. I can't afford to lose you too. Do you understand that?"

His words struck a chord deep within me, the weight of responsibility settling heavily in my chest. He was right. I had to try. I had to push through the exhaustion and anxiety, not just for my own sake, but for the sake of my family and friends who had invested so much in my journey. "You're not going to lose me," I replied firmly, gesturing for him to continue.

Edmund swiftly resumed his duelling stance, and the room crackled with energy as we engaged in a relentless back-and-forth. Dueling with Edmund was unlike any other experience because he didn't hold back. He constantly tested me, pushing my limits and taking calculated risks that not even Cedric attempted.

My reflexes were put to the test as I deflected his spells with precision. I spun away gracefully from an incoming hex, my focus unwavering. This wasn't a friendly spar; it was a rigorous challenge that demanded my utmost concentration. The determination burning within me drove me to be relentless in my attacks. I knew Edmund could take it, and I didn't hold back either. Spells flew between us, the room filled with the crackling of magic as we duelled with intensity.

For a moment, I had the upper hand. Edmund was forced to step backwards, his expression focused and determined, but I hesitated. Doubt crept in for a brief, agonizing moment, just long enough for Edmund to seize the opportunity. He cast a spell with precision, and it hit me squarely. The impact sent me stumbling backwards, my wand slipping from my grip as I fell to the floor. "Y/n!" Edmund exclaims as he reaches out his hand to help me up, his eyes a mix of worry and reassurance. "You hesitated. You can't afford to do that, especially in the tournament."

As I gathered my things and prepared to wrap up the training session, Edmund approached me, lowering his voice to a hushed tone. His expression was grave, and his words carried a weight of warning. "Now that you're with Cedric," he began, his voice laced with caution, "you need to be extra careful. In the Triwizard Tournament, it's every contestant for themselves. None of them would hesitate to gain the upper hand, and everyone is working in their self-interests."

I nodded, understanding the reality of the competition. 

Edmund continued, his tone unwavering. "Training with him exploits your weaknesses, and if it comes down to you two facing each other in the end, it could put you in a vulnerable position. We can't afford that. Don't train with him anymore. Don't talk to him about it." Edmund adds slowly, "I'm going to tell you what I told you before. Try and find out other contestants' strategies. It is wrong or right should be the least of your concerns."

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