Chapter 2 ~ Signing up

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Nominations were to be done today in the Great Hall. Where the Goblet of fire stood waiting, for names to be placed in it. I am still unsure I would be putting myself in danger if my name was chosen. How it could end or change my life. I already had my full name written onto a small piece of parchment which is neatly folded.

I come down the stairs with a sigh. I had potions in an hour with Professor Snape, I would like to say that I was one of the luckier ones, he didn't hate me as much.

The Hufflepuffs would usually leave together, at the same time when it comes to big events. But I left early cause of my impulsiveness. I begin to pace outside the Great Hall after I sense a relief of comfort when I find Fred and George shuffling in front of me. "Don't look sad, we've got class with Snape today" Fred begins putting his arm lightly around my neck dragging me into the hall. His arm gave off warmth and succour. "He's extra bitter today" George continues. How reassuring.

I enter feeling a strange aura. Students from all schools sat near and eyed the goblet sparingly, as they broke into chatter. Guys from Drumstrang placed their names in the Goblet with their heads held high. More people put their names thrilled at the thought of being nominated.

Cedric Diggory. His hair wet stuck to his face. His friends practically launch him across the age line. Not minding he goes in staring into the depths of the fire, differentiating every color. He placed the parchment watching it burn. Applause just for putting your name in a goblet. A smile forms on his lips.

He stopped to turn and face me, his stare sent chills around my body. "What?" I ask approaching him. We knew each other but never talked much. He was friends with Edmund and would come over during the summer for a few days. But I didn't bother interacting with him.

"Nothing" he replies turning to look in a different direction, shrugging his shoulders. He still didn't think I could do it. Then again I don't blame him I'd be the last person to enter. But, eternal glory.

"Yeah!" Fred and George cheered me on as I approached the goblet.

"What do you think you're doing y/n?" Edmund steps in front of me, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Entering, just like you"

"No way are you entering. Are you out of your goddamn mind?" Edmund hisses.

"You know what, maybe I am. Besides this will be something good you know." Edmund crosses his arms as his gaze shifts towards someone else.

"It's not like I'm going to get in anyways, please don't worry" I assure him with a pat on the back. He knew it wasn't worth fighting me. What if the age line would restrict me from passing. It does not. I hesitantly raise my arm at the goblet feeling the chill of the fire instead of the heat. My heart beats steady until the thought of the tournament arrives the temp rises into a new genre altogether. I can still go back. But before I know it I watch the parchment burn slowly turning from orange to blue. And then dies. I turn around to find people cheering at me I just give a small smile. I can see Cleo biting her nails sitting next to Hermione. I walk up to her "It's going to be okay"

She only nods in disbelief.

"Well, lads. We've done it" George applauses himself and his brother.

"Cooked it up just this morning" Fred continues. An age potion of course. After this, my mind loses focus of course.

Fred and George jump through the age line and surprisingly they make it in and I cheer them on with everyone else. Without a thought, they put their names at the same time. The names burn and go in and their high-five is interrupted by the blue flames.

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