Chapter 5 ~ We talked

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I sit on the mustard coloured couch. Holding a glass of water in both my hands.  My back leaning forward, legs spread. My eyes focus on the wooden floor beneath me. I can't sleep and it's three in the morning. Nobody is in the common room all fast asleep. Except me. I can't sleep because of a dream that withered into my mind. A dream how stupid. It terrified me and even now I don't think of anything else besides the dream. As it repeats over and over again. How my heart drops slowly.

Sounds of someone coming down the stairs. But I ignore it, must be some first year anyways. "Can't sleep?" I jump at his voice. Cedric asks lazily as he comes down the stairs rubbing one eye. He wears loose pjs and his  honey-brown hair is a mess.

"Yeah," I whisper back. It's only at this point I realise that I'm shaking. How my fingers tremble as I hold the glass tightly. At once, I straighten up and force myself to stay still. It works. But I hope he does not notice. "Why're you up?"

"Can't sleep either. I think I'm realising that . . ." he sighs, as he sits down next to me "this tournament is not going to be easy" 

"No?" I reply sarcastically as I take a sip of water again. 

Cedric leans back on the sofa comfortably. "So why are you awake?"

"Same reason you are" I whisper "I can't stop thinking about Edmund and Cleo" immediately I regret telling him and I'm glad I don't go on. After all I don't know if I can trust him. 

"Well we are going to be fine" Cedric tries to convince the both of us. He stands up and walks to the finely carved wooden table. He pours himself a glass of water from the jug of water which is illuminated by the moonlight.  He leans against the table and gulps down the water, letting half rest in the glass. "We should get some sleep" Cedric suggest as his gaze wavers over me. 

"Yes, we should. I've been up for a while" I agree rising to my feet, I place the empty glass of water on the table next to him. I can feel his gaze and it makes me feel awkward. "Good night" I murmur one last time as I walk back up the steps to the Girls dormitories.

"Good night" I hear him mutter back.

"Miss y/l/n" McGongall turns her attention towards me. At once I straighten up. "What makes transformation easier?"

"Similarity in appearance" I respond in a confident manner. I know I'm correct when she smiles at me. "I hope all of you are writing this down. It is very important" she continues to go on about how similarity in appearance makes transformation easier. Transformation is something peculiar. Something fascinating. Something I would be willing to try if I ever got the chance too.

"Professor?" I raise my hand.

McGonagall simply nods.

"Will we ever learn to transform or try the animagus spell?" the class suddenly breaks into inaudible whispers.

"Well" she thinks fixing her pointy hat "It is a very difficult spell. Only a few have learnt it all this time. So no. Probably not" her eyes meet mine. Rather disappointing. "Besides you all will get to learn many other wonderful things" McGonagall cheers up the rest of the class.

Five more minutes pass and we're all dismissed.

"Come on" Megan tugs on my arm as I pack up my belongings. 

"Just a minute" I reply.

I swing the strap of my satchel on my right shoulder. Megan raises her eyebrows and hurries out of the class room. "Why are we in a hurry Meg?"

I start running to meet her pace and she just remarks with a soft smile. We're running in the halls. if a teacher sees us, we'll be done for. I look out the large almost oval windows. The sky is darkening slowly and the wind is moving left and right. 

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