Chapter 27 - Second Task

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Megan and I stood outside the Charms classroom, as the first years were filling out the room and packing their belongings. There were almost two days before the second task and you would think classes would be canceled. As the both of you waited, so was Cho Chang talking with Cedric. I could feel my stomach drop. They were together, and I liked Cedric. We kissed while he was with Cho. My stomach twisted at the thought. Cedric was muttering something and Cho frowned her body language becoming defensive.

A girl dressed in light blue silks passed by waving "Hey" I promptly replied. Her name was Avalon and she was a student at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. Avalon had shiny blonde hair, and from what it seemed, she was really sweet, kind when we talked. 

Megan then prodded me on by touching my elbow. "Come on, let's go in." We walked into the classroom and took our seat toward the side of the classroom, leaving two spaces behind us for Fred and George. I took out my books and pencils as Fred and George hurried inside the classroom, sitting behind us. "Late again" Megan turns around disappointedly. Fred just makes a face. Flitwick begins clapping his hands " I hope, that you all remember the mending charm we looked at last year as we will be revising it today, to prepare for your O.W.L.s - and then we will be looking at the colour changing charm!" Finally, something new. "But first, I would love for Mr. Weasley - uhm - you - to demonstrate the mending charm in front of the class" Megan and I both turned around.

Fred stood up with his wand, pulling down his grey sweater. "Yeah, sure, of course" he says over-confidently. He stands in front of the class, hands bound in front of him. Flitwick places a model of a broken ship, broken in half. It was very intricately carved and carefully painted. "Everyone ready?" Fred flicked his wand, left and right, saying the words 'Reparo'. The two broken pieces levitated, merging together and then slamming on the table, making everyone wince. The model was one piece, but it looked as someone tried to melt it in the middle. "Ta-da. Thank you, thank you" Fred bowed twice and returned to his seat. He just shrugged at the three of us.

As Fred returned, I lightly clapped for him "Well done, well done" 

Flitwick looked unimpressed with his hands crossed, "You need to be revising, by yourselves. Not just in class. Right, get into pairs or a group of three" he instructed, rolling his eyes. Megan and I looked at one another in an acknowledgment, "George, Fred?" Megan asked leaning against Fred's table. Fred was caught up on Angelina Johnson. 

"So the three of us then" I stated as Fred walked over too Angelina, taking a seat next to her. 

Flitwick came around handing out plain wooden boxes and doing a quick demonstration. Megan took a breath, "Colovaria" pointing at the wooden box, the box then changed into the color red. 

Flitwick celebrated, "Good! Good. Now, trying splitting it into two colors". George and I then gave it a go. Megan was trying to split the box into two different colors. It wasn't all that difficult. I then looked at my hair, I could change it couldn't I? This could go really wrong.  I put my wand in front of me, my eyes on it. I flicked it saying "Colovaria" and then I felt my hair change from y/h/c to a half-purple. Some parts of my hair were purple with a mix of y/h/c. "Um," 

My eyes met George whose hair was ruffled and a very light brown mixed with his ginger hair. It seemed he copied me. We both moved to look at the mirror on the wall of the classroom. "No, no, fix this. I look horrible" George complained stalking back towards Megan.

George and I let our intrusive thoughts win.

Megan shrugged backing away, "I"m not doing anything, cause if I mess your hair-"

I then raised my wand saying the words. All the brown disappeared and his normal hair color returned. "Thank you, not a good move going to a lighter brown, huh" he put his hands in his hair, checking it. "What shall we do about you?" he asked flattening down his hair with a hand.

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