21. Triassic Triumph.

Start from the beginning

"Trent?" Kira asked. "This can't be real."

"Oh its real." Zeltrax told them. The rangers grunted and got up from the ground. "What are you doing Trent?"

"I don't know a Trent." He said. "I just know that you will soon be destroyed."

Conner shook his head. "I am so not in the mood for this." They removed their morphers. "Ready?"


"Dino Thunder Power up HA!"

"Dino power."

They got ready to attack. Zeltrax came forward. "Wait allow me." He ram forward. "Let's get a better view."

"Right." The the two monsters jumped up and was in kne of th balconies watching the fight.

Conner blasted his blaster at zeltrax but he blocked it with his shield. He then sent lasers right back at Conner making him fall to the ground.

Rhea, Ethan and Kira jumped forward as zeltrax ran forward and they blasted him but he deflected it with his shield. He jumped and attacked them with his sword.

They tried to deflect it but he was yet able to hit them. He took Conner and flung him over his shoulder making him land on the ground. "Conner you okay?"

"Yup." Zeltrax then blasted the rangers making them scream and fall to the ground.

"Now your mine." Zeltraks ran forward to attack Conner. Rhea and Ethan threw their blasters at him. "Conner catch!"

"Got it." He jumped up. "Double trouble." He blasted zeltraks multiple times making him go flying to the ground.

The white ranger and the other monster came down landing in the middle of zeltrax and the rangers.

"So you stopped zeltrax." The white ranger said. "Try to stop my terasaraus." The terasaraus stepped forward. "Let me show you the extent of my powers. You will be defeated."

Then suddenly Trent came in with his bike blasting them. "Not on my watch." He stopped and got off the bike. "Hey guys thought I'd join the fun."

The rangers looked at the two white rangers in confusion. "Wait who's who?"

"Guys it's me." Trent said. Zeltrax and the evil white ranger and the terasaraus regrouped. "Enjoy your reunion while you can. Nothing you do can stop us now." They dissappear into an invisa portal.

"Okay power down." Trent demorphed and so did the other rangers. They walked towards him. "You guys okay?"

"Yeah I just gotta stretch a little. She arched her back back. Conner looked at Trent. "Great you have a twin brother that you never told us about."

Rhea furrowed her eyebrows at him. "Uh you do realize that he might not be his twin well he is but not really same because he isn't born." She sighed. "I literally just heard myself."

They were back at the Lab where Hayley was checking out the new evil white ranger. Kira sighed. "Okay so We barely get one white ranger under control then another one shows up."

She looked at Trent. "Any idea who it could be?" He shook his head. "I have no clue."

After scanning it Tommy turned in his chair. "My sensors shows its some kind of cloning energy force. It's no even a living being at all."

"Yeah he may no be alive but his kick show felt real." Conner told them. "I never said he wasn't real. He's a threat Allright."

Ethan nodded. "We'll now that's settled what's with that Terasaraus? Man he was raggedy." Tommy nodded. "He's given off some of the same readings as the other white ranger. It's almost like they were one in the same."

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