21. Underestimated

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Saturday Morning, 21st. March. 2015

I opened my eyes. The morning light pouring in from the window blinded me. After a moment I adjusted to see Yoongi asleep. His breaths were soft and his skin had a dewy glow. The tender pink of his slightly chapped lips and the way his hair is messily askew. I used the precious moment I had been given to take it all in.

As my mind drifts to the night before, I remember that we'd fallen asleep listening to some piano melodies. As I peer up I notice my laptop is closed and that my blanket was over us...

Had Yoongi put on? He also had the blanket over him... If so, that was sweet of him. I knew he'd been tired yesterday so I didn't want to wake him up, I wanted him to sleep well and recover his energy.

But, a loud knock on the door echoed through my apartment and Yoongi stirred. I pulled off the blanket and got up to answer the door.

"Morning!" Hobi's smile shined like the morning sun as he greeted me.

"Morning" I replied, attempting to return his smile but my cheeks wouldn't pull that far up this early after waking up.

"So um, Yoongi wouldn't happen to be here, would he?" He proceeded to say, glancing behind me into my apartment.

"Yeah he is, did you want to come in? He's still sleeping" I offered, stepping aside.

"Thanks, yeah. Sorry to drop in so suddenly but Yoongi and I have some work we need to get done today" Hoseok explained. As he walked past me, the faint aroma of orange and jasmine hit my nose.

"No that's fine, he was just so tired yesterday that he passed out after walking me home from school" I closed the door behind us.

"Ah, he's such a cutie. Look at him" Hobi giggled, spotting Yoongi curled up under the blanket snugly on the couch.

"Yeah, he is cute" I mumbled quietly as I followed him over.

"Wakey wakey Yoongi-ah" Hoseok teased as he sat at the edge of the couch and gave him a small shake. Yoongi groaned as he raised his head, squinting, struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Hoba, is that you?" He rubbed his face before looking around towards me. I crawled back onto the couch and put the blanket over my lap.

"Yeah. You gotta get up, we have to finish production today so we can make it for the group dinner tonight" Hobi said, before sparing me a soft glance.

"Ughhhh. Alright. Give me a minute" Yoongi sat up and peered around disoriented, hair whisked aside messily. Hoseok went over to the kitchen and poured a glass of water then came back to give it to Yoongi. After a little while, he got up and went to the bathroom leaving Hoseok and me sitting on the couch.

"Oh, by the way, Jimin and Tae are coming to pick you up to do some shopping for dinner tonight," Hobi said, stretching his arms over his head before lying back on the blanket.

"Joon never did get back to me about it so I wasn't sure if it was still happening" I explained. He lulled his head aside to look at me.

"Oh, he's been pretty busy. It probably just slipped his mind. I thought as much." He pursed his lips, soft cheeks puffing out slightly, "Anyway, just be ready by the time Jimin and Tae come to get you."

"Sure, alright. Thanks for letting me know." I replied, beginning to feel excited about tonight. It sounded like it was going to be a good time.

After Yoongi came out the two of them went on their way, leaving me on my own to wait for Jimin and Tae. Seeing as I didn't have an exact time for when they'd arrive I decided to check my emails.

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