30. Born Singer

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Saturday Afternoon, 28th. March. 2015

The boys had only left ten minutes ago. I'd just made a cup of tea and sat down by myself when there was a knock at the door.

Feeling hesitant, I got to my feet and walked over to look through the peephole. On the other side stood a man in a suit, perhaps mid forties'. But he was tall, and exceptionally handsome, and if it wasn't for a few telling signs, I'd have easily mistaken him for late thirties.

Was he one of the boys' managers? I wasn't sure, so I called out and asked who it was. The man adjusted his tie, standing confidently as he pulled something from his pocket and flashed it at the peephole so I could see.

"I'm a detective with the Arsons investigation unit. I'm looking for Park Jia and I've been informed I'd be able to find her at this address." He spoke firmly, but I didn't feel threatened by him, funnily enough.

Upon inspecting his credentials, I opened up the door.

"Hi, I'm Park Jia. Sorry about that. I'm just still a bit shaken up from the fire." I held on to the doorframe as I stood before the detective. His expression and hazel eyes softened slightly as he saw me.

"That's more than understandable.. The damage was extensive. Speaking of, if it's alright with you, there are a few questions I wanted to ask." He pressed on, it wasn't forceful. I gave a small nod, wanting to hear him out. It wasn't every day that you spoke to a detective. Or even saw one.

"First, I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for your loss. This must be hard for you, and that's why I'm here. We believe the fire wasn't accidental." He took a slight pause, gaze flickering between mine as though reading my reaction.

I felt dumbfounded.

"You mean someone deliberately started the fire?" I asked. I knew that was exactly what he was saying. But the mere thought of that hadn't even crossed my mind.

"Why in the world would someone do that?" The questions slipped out automatically.

"That's what I'm trying to find out. As well as other details. Can I ask, is there anyone you can think of that has a grudge against you? Or that might want to hurt you at all? Or has anything strange or out of the ordinary happened recently?" He shifted the weight of the leg he stood on as he asked, attentively waiting as I contemplated.

"Not that I can think of. I mean.. I don't know a lot of people to begin with. I study at the nearby university. There was a restraining order filed by some girls I had problems with... I don't know if they had anything to do with it.. but, other than that, I work as a ghostwriter for Big Hit entertainment and Y.G too." I heaved a sigh. This was becoming more worrying by the second.

During my reply, the detective had pulled out a notepad and pen to take a few notes. He questioned me a little further about the dates of when the incident at school had happened and how long they had signed me with both entertainment companies. After that, he handed me a contact card and said if I thought of anything else, not to hesitate to call him straight away.

The faint smile he gave before he left was warm, as though he really empathised with my situation. And he promised he'd do his best to investigate it for the sake of bringing some justice for all I'd lost in the tragedy. I guess I still felt like it wasn't real but, after my encounter with him, it all seemed to hit home.

I sat back down at the table in silence and sipped at my lukewarm tea. I was here, by myself, in Bangtan dorms, lounging around in Jungkook's clothes as I sipped tea.

How the hell did I even get to this point? It all just seemed so surreal. Someone had tried to burn my apartment down. I'm overhearing conversations about how I belong with the boys.

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