1. Home

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The view from my window frames a picture perfect blue sky, hindered only by a few grey clouds.

The sights through the frame are the same that helped me find inspiration many a times growing up. My childhood bedroom was neat but small, the vastness of the sky from my seat at my desk was a breath of fresh air.

I'd been sitting here, trying to write for a few hours. But, for some reason inspiration hadn't been coming to me like it used to. Not since my accident a year ago.

My inspiration wasn't the only thing missing either. The time I'd spent in Seoul was a blank void, no matter how hard I tried to remember my time there, I couldn't. Instead, an unshakable sense of emptiness filled me.

The doctor had diagnosed me with selective Amnesia as a result of a head injury. A near missed bullet to the brain to be exact. Then, my parents brought me home to recover.

Despite an entire year passing, nothing during that time in my life had come back to my mind, leaving me alive but, empty.

"Jia sweetie" The sound of my mums voice pulled my attention to my door as she cracked it open.

"Can you please run down to the store and grab a few things for me?" The blonde of her hair softly falls off her shoulder, the blue of her eyes resemble my own as she pokes her head in my room. She wore an apron and was probably nearly finished preparing Kimchi seeing as we were running low.

"Sure," I slip out of my chair and go to take the shopping list she held out to me. With a faint smile and a thanks she returned to the kitchen.

I rugged up in a thick coat and scarf then collected my phone and wallet before leaving the house. My hometown was small and quaint but held its own certain charm. Compared to a city as flashy as Seoul I'm sure one would consider it a country town here. Then again, seeing as I drew a blank on my memories of the place I couldn't say for sure.

With my head huddled downwards to protect myself from the chill of the wind I continued past houses and turned down the streets. January was coming to an end and the weather was still chilly. The sky was clear but the air cold. I glimpsed shoes on the concrete of the walkway belonging to people who passed me.

Suddenly, I collided with someone, luckily the padding of our coats softened the blow and I stagger back.

As I looked up to apologise my words get lost, I was met with possibly the most handsome face I'd ever seen. Plump pink lips, deep chocolate brown hair and a height to be envied.

"Oh I'm so sorry, are you alr-" He stopes mid sentence as he collects himself, sights setting on the cause of the collision. The shock that painted his face only lasts a split second before he shakes his head, as though trying to snap out of an odd thought.

"Oh no, I should be the one that's apologising. I wasn't looking where I was going," I quickly take the opportunity of his momentary pause to speak.

"It's alright, I guess we both weren't really paying attention to where we were going." He mumbles, brown eyes studying me over softly. It made me feel a little strange, I couldn't put my finger on the reason, though. A small awkward silence passes, just as I was about to walk off his voice stops me.

"Sorry, I'm not actually from around here. You wouldn't happen to know where the central shops are, would you?" He smiled sheepishly. In contrast to his milky white complexion, the cold had left a light red on his cheeks. It almost look like a blush.

"Oh sure, I'm headed there now. I can take you there if you'd like?" I offered. I was already on the way there so it wasn't out of my way, besides, I couldn't help but to feel intrigued by him.

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