56. No Time

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29th, Wednesday Morning. April. 2015

When I woke up again, it was in the comfort of my bed. I was in my pyjamas, too. I sat up and squinted, trying to collect myself. The boys are all in my apartment. Namjoon looked at me from where he lay beside me, book in hand, as though he was just reading. Jin, Jungkook, Jimin and Tae were eating ramen and talking at the table. Hoseok was passed out on the foldout couch and Yoongi was sitting beside him writing in a notebook. Without saying a word, and with no one except Namjoon noticing that I was awake, I laid back down, pulled the blanket up to my chin and closed my eyes.

A shiver ran through me as I recalled how fucked up I was last night. And at the peak, some creep had forced himself onto me. I'd become unconscious from there. And that's when all of those fucked up memories flooded back in. When that guy touched me, I was triggered. It was the same feeling I'd had when Namjoon had accidentally overstepped that one time. But back then, I hadn't understood. This time was different, though. This time, it'd hit me in full force. I was left shaken, overcome with nausea and tremors, even now. But knowing what was happening to me gave me a slither of relief.

Visions of me being pinned on a bed, raped. It was dissociated, though. The feelings were numb. I could see it happening, as though not in my body. As though I was watching it from across the room. Maybe that was the only way for me to recall it. It happened to me, but not while I was present. Not while I could feel it, because that was something I couldn't bear.

Dae-Sung. A thought rushed to me, and it left me dumbfounded. YG Entertainment. I'd bumped into him that day, unknowingly. How easy it would've been for him. That's why he'd looked so confused. The pieces fell into place. I took a deep breath, realizing how close I'd come to escaping danger in that moment. And perhaps Mr Kim was telling the truth about them starting the fire. Dae-Sung drove me home, right back to that apartment. That it burned down several days later was hardly a coincidence. That piece of shit had not an ounce of human in him. I'd learned that the hard way.

After the incident with Dae-Sung, I'd moved in with Bangtan, just as Jin had told me that faithful night in the car as we sat out the front of the charred building. That was their old club. The place that I used to call home.. It all seemed like a lifetime ago. And there was still a chunk that was a blank. But I'd lived there, worked at their bar. They always had shady characters coming in and out of that place.. Back then, the coke deals. I remember bricks of the stuff on the club tables as they cut it up.

Then there was nothing.

But, through it all, one name stuck out to me.


The incident with Dae-Sung was the first, but it didn't end there. Reira had hurt me too, but who was he? I couldn't recall anything other than that. A name, and a feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I thought I was done with chasing memories, ready to focus on the here and now. But.. after what happened last night, I'm not so sure. Over the past month, so many moments from my past have returned to me. The emotions that accompany them have been overwhelming. But, why can't I shake the feeling that the worst is yet to come?

I'd been so absolved by my own thoughts that I hadn't even realised until now that I'd rolled over and buried my face into the warmth of Joon's lap. He was softly stroking my head.

"Are you feeling alright..?" He spoke barely above a whisper, so only I could hear him. I rolled onto my back and looked at him.

"Yeah.. I think so."

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