49. Piece by piece

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Thursday, 23rd. April. 2015

"Jia, are you awake?" I lifted my head from the last paragraph I was writing to look over to see Koh smiling, head poking out from behind my bedroom door.

"I cooked blueberry pancakes for breakfast," Koh grinned. The sweet smell followed him in, but I didn't need to be convinced.

"Really?! Give me a second, I'll be right there," I beamed over to him. With a quick nod he closed the door behind him, leaving me to close my book and put on a cardigan before heading out to the dining room.

As the long table came into view, I saw Yu seated beside his brother, both in light discussion. From beside each other, you could tell they were related. The similarities in their features became so much more obvious. Despite their hair colors, of course.

"Morning!" Yu greeted me as I pulled out the chair across from them and took a seat.

"Morning, haven't seen you for a while," I replied. The sweet aroma of the blueberries was subtle but so enticing. I noticed they hadn't started eating yet, though.

"It has been a while. But when Koh mentioned he was making pancakes I couldn't resist dropping by" Yu laughed.

"I see how it is," I laughed, too.

"Well, if that's all you're here for, then let's dig in." Koh snorted a laugh at his brother's cute but provoking antics.

"You heard him, dig in!" Yu grinned, poking his fork at the pancakes in front of me, encouraging me to eat, so I did.

"Thanks Koh, they smell delicious. When you opened my door earlier, it's all I could smell," I laughed, cutting off a piece and popping it in my mouth. The moment the taste hit me, it was like someone had punched me in the face with deliciousness.

"Holy heck?! Wait, these are DELICIOUS" I couldn't contain myself. Yu was stuffing his face by now with the most satisfied look on his face, moaning like he was about to jiz.

Koh looked horrified, but in a good way, as he watched us freaking out over his cooking.

"Guys, calm the hell down. It's just pancakes," he waved his arms. Yu just moaned and rolled around in his chair, with his mouth full. I could relate as I shoved another mouthful in and gave Koh an enthusiastic thumbs up.


We laughed and talked together at the table until I noticed my phone light up from beside my empty plate. As I glanced at it, I saw Jungkook's name, so I opened the message.

Jungkook: Jia, are you busy today? Want to come to the gym with me and Jimin?

Jia: Ahhh, yeah okay 😙 What're you both doing there? Working out? 🤨💪🏻

Jungkook: Boxing baby 😉 I wanted to teach you some self defense too. If you're up for it, that is

Jia: Okay 👌🏻I'm in. When and where?

Jungkook: 😏

Jungkook: I'm downstairs

Jia: Huh?! Already???

Jungkook: Hurry up 😁

I quickly got up and ran off to my room to get ready. How was he already here? What if I didn't want to come? Would he just have left? I didn't have time to think about it too much and scrounged around for a pair of leggings, a tank top, and some runners. I threw in a spare outfit into a bag along with random things I might need, then headed out to meet Jungkook.

As I hurried out of the apartment, I noticed Jungkook, dark hair pushed back. He was wearing a white short sleeved T and baggy white cargos that hung off his frame effortlessly. As I got closer, it felt like he'd gotten taller than before, or had I just never noticed it?

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