7. Daydream

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Saturday, 7th. March. 2015

The staff mingling event or as they'd put it in the email, 'Casual Induction' was scheduled for this afternoon. So, I leisurely took my time in getting ready for it. Some tunes played in my apartment from the open laptop on the couch. A few pieces of clothing had been thrown on my bed in the process of picking something. I'd decided on a white long-sleeved shirt with a thin black bow. And, a light pink pleated skirt that sat at the waist. Cute but neat. That was the style.

By the time I left my apartment a civil dusk was setting, it was enough for shops and stores to start turning on their lights, making it easy to see inside. The displays of the clothing store, caffès or flower shops illuminating glower caught my eye through the glass as I made my way to the Agency.

A light chatter of people floated in the tepid spring air. There was such a variety of things tucked away, hidden through the maze of small streets. Arts and crafts boutiques, design studios, grocery stalls, apartments, barbecue restaurants.

Somehow all squished neatly into the streets. Small walkway trails and stairs like a labyrinth, leading from one main block of streets, behind apartment complexes to other sections. Seeing as it was the first time I'd ventured further than the University, which was only across the road, everything was a first time discovery.

By the time I arrived at the building the sky had settled, a perfect maritime blue. Some of the lights in the windows of the building were on, which, let me know people were inside.

As I walked into the foyer I was greeted with a warm smile by a receptionist and escorted to a large meeting room further down a hall. The room was set up like a small intimate seminar was about to take place. She made sure I had a copy of the introductory package and a seat before leaving me.

Shortly after the introduction began, the man giving the briefing's name was Jae-Bum. He touched on everything we needed to know, from copyrights, NDAs, payment details, contract agreements, work expectations. Then, once all of that was taken care of we had a short intermission then he finished with going over specifics about the content.

The space of two hours had passed during the session, and, after it'd come to an end we were excused and left to mingle, snack on the platters and have a glass of wine or beer. The new members of staff slowly scattered around the room, some making their way to the spread of snacks and beverages, and, others congregating in small groups of conversation.

My mind was quite full after taking in all the information so I decided to go and help myself to some of the fruit splayed out along the table. My eye was drawn to a guy whose back was turned, but whose vivid accessories, an oversized hoodie, and baggy track pants caught my attention. His look was definitely on point.

Just as I was about to grab a strawberry from the plate, the stylish guy beside the table turned unexpectedly and bumped into me. As he did, I felt a coldness drench the front of me. His entire drink spilled onto my white shirt. When I looked up, he was a bit taller than me.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry, are you okay?" His eyes widened in shock as he noticed the wet patch across my chest.

"Uhh" I glanced down, not knowing what to say. Still trying to comprehend what'd happened. A chill ran through me and I realised that my shirt had become see-through.

"Shit, quick. Come with me." Suddenly he panicked as he saw the same thing I had. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me from the room before anyone else could see.

"Where are we going?" I asked, taking advantage of the momentary drama to admired his features. Wide-set brown eyes, high cheekbones and lips the shape of a heart.

The Most Beautiful Moments In Lifeᵖᵗ¹ // OT7 BTS FF x OCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt