32. Surprise

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Monday Morning, 30th. March. 2015

"Joonie, why did you hurt me?"

The red velvet rippled over the oak. Strong arms embrace my fallen form as I lay there, weeping on the floor. Grandeur surrounds us, but it's the tale of a heartbroken princess. His hold on me tightens as he apologizes repeatedly, his voice cracking. My heart bleeds with every beat. His body is stiff like a corpse. He raises his arm, metal glints in the corner of my eye.

Suddenly the crack fire of a gun wakes me.

Everything crumbles.

I open my eyes and it's dark. I'm surrounded by the softness of my bed, but I'm covered in sweat. It must've been a nightmare. My skin crawls at the lingering dread that lives in me. It feels all too real. This moment feels so lonely, frightening. Much like when I watched my apartment burning to ashes. Much like when I was shot in my waking life, it was not confined to being just a figment of my imagination.

As I watched the flames dance, engulfing my home, Yoongi had been beside me, easing my pain. He'd watched with me from across the street. His presence... I wanted to be wrapped up in that safety he always provided me with right now.

Would it be okay to call him?

I grabbed my phone off the bedside table to see it was 3am. I hesitated, but the dread in my heart pushed me to try a text.

Jia: Yoongi... are you sleeping?

I lay there for a moment in the stillness. My phone screen lit up in the dark, illuminating the tucked away space my bed was in.

Yoongi: No, is everything okay?

Jia: I had a nightmare..

Yoongi: Do you want me to come over?

Jia: Isn't it too late?

Yoongi: It's never too late for you. I'll be there soon

Even though my new apartment was identical to my last one, it just didn't feel the same. That comfort I'd taken in it just didn't feel as settled. Then again, it was my first night after the fire.

Maybe I just needed to give it more time.

As I tucked my phone under my pillow and lay there in the dark, my mind drifted to the thought of Yoongi. The first time I met him, I accidentally had been caught listening to him play a beautiful melody on the piano. The way he'd told me to leave was so cold, yet, these days, he was the complete opposite.

He's saved me from being pushed off the school building. Protected me from bullies, let me cry on his lap. Back then, I hadn't known him as well and had felt embarrassed. Even now, saving me from a fire... He always protected and comforted me. The feelings of these events I reminisced on stirred inside me, growing in affection for him.

Without fail, when I was in danger, it was always Yoongi. Was that why I'd thought of him first when I woke up? When I felt sick to my stomach from horrible dreams...

There was still so much I didn't know about him. So much more he held in, kept close to himself. It always seemed that way. I wanted to know more. I wanted to know why he never turned me away when he saw me struggling or going through a hard time.

Why all of them did the same in their own, unique ways. It reminded me of my dream of Tae Hyung at the hospital, how he'd come to see me just after my accident, and why he'd said the things he had. Curiosity bubbled over as time went on, and, despite my life being turned upside-down with the fire, I hadn't forgotten my revelations just before the incident.

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