57. Cece and Yoongi

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29th, Wednesday Afternoon. April. 2015

I'd been snuggled up on my couch, feeling a bit out of it for a while now. That was until the ringtone of my phone caught my attention. I reached over to where it lay on the couch to answer it. At first glance, I didn't recognise the number but swiped the green circle, anyway.

Once I answered it, Cece's voice came from the other end. At first, it surprised me as to how she got my number. Apparently, after waking up this morning from her hangover and speaking with Wyniee, she'd caught wind of the incident I was caught up in last night. I reassured her I was alright, but I could tell it had done little to ease her worry. She asked if I was willing to meet up with her tonight, just so she could physically see if I was, in fact, ok. I didn't really feel up to going out, so instead I suggested that there was a quaint local bath house in my neighborhood that we could relax at which she was more than happy to take me up on. So, after setting up a time and hanging up, I messaged her the address and prepared for a nice afternoon soak at the baths.

I glanced at my phone one more time before leaving the house, just to check if any of the boys had texted me, but nothing. I hadn't heard from them since this morning, and, despite knowing they were busy, I still had a glimmer of hope that one of them might've messaged. Oh well, I pushed it aside and made my way over to the bathhouse next door, where, as soon as I turned out of my front gate, I could see Cece standing there. She wrapped me up in a hug upon seeing me, and once her worry had settled a little, we stepped on in.

We booked a private bathroom for the two of us. The smells of salts and minerals mingled with the layer of steam in the room's air. We both relaxed into the soothing heat of the waters. We settled by the glass window that looked out at the serene Zen garden at the center of the bathhouse. The heat of the water instantly relaxed my muscles. There was a brief silence at first as we rested our heads back and soaked up the relief and calm of the water.

But, as I stared at the dark wood of the ceiling, thoughts flittered through my mind. And, when I looked at Cece at hearing her hesitantly call my name, I knew I wasn't the only one. Despite having vague memories of what happened to me at All Black, the club we used to work at together, I asked her more about it. So, she told me. But that wasn't all. We spoke more about what happened to her after I'd left. How she'd been trapped working for Big Bang and YG. How she escaped and ended up with Bangtan and Seventh Heaven.

After I left the club, Cece felt trapped working there, even though at that point she wanted to leave. But she needed to be careful. Following the incident that happened to me, she sent me a message. But also to Yoongi too. She warned him of what she'd heard. At the time Yoongi had reassured her they were looking after me, and after that they fell out of touch for a while. Cece continued to be cautious, pretended to be unbothered by all the atrocities she'd witnessed while trapped there. It was hard on her, slowly but surely. It ate away at her. One faithful day, her way out appeared.

It was about a year later that she'd, by chance, bumped into Yoongi while at an event. One that she'd accompanied Big Bang to an award show. She wasn't feeling well and had left early, had gotten lost on the way out through the back of the venue when she'd bumped into him. They were both shocked. She tried to quickly leave, knowing that if anyone saw them talking, she would be reprimanded immediately.

But Yoongi stopped her and pulled her aside somewhere out of sight and asked her if she was alright. Cece describes that night as being close to her breaking point. She was made to fuck two Big Bangs' associates as a gift from them. She broke down and cried when Yoongi questioned her, and then Yoongi dragged her out of there and took her away.

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