12. Arcade

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Friday, 13th. March. 2015

I was relieved as I left the building that my last class of the day was in. It was finally Friday afternoon and all my classes for the week were done with. But, at the same time, it wasn't like I had any special kinds of plans to look forward to on the weekend. It made me a little sad, would've been nice if I had some friends I could hang out with.

Well, it wasn't like that wasn't true... I had met a few people. But, they weren't exactly normal people, and it made me hesitant to contact them... could I just text Idols and ask them to hang out with me? It just didn't sit right with me. I looked out across the campus. The last light of the day left a dim glow across the campus landscape.

Coincidentally, that was when I spotted Tae, Jimin and Jungkook crossing a path just up ahead. They looked so happy, laughing and walking together against the sunset, like a scene out of a movie where they were the handsome main characters and best of friends. My first instinct was to avoid them, but it was too late because they noticed me straight away and started coming towards me and waving happily.

Tae was the first to reach me, calling my name sweetly and embracing me in a hug. It took me by surprise at how easily he'd disregarded personal space, but I gave him a momentary tight squeeze before he let go of me and stepped back.

"Heeey~" Jimin eye smiled cutely with a wave from beside Jungkook who seemed unsure of whether or not to say anything.

"Hey, what're you guys doing?" I asked, looking between the three of them. As they stood around, I felt a little small compared to how tall they all were.

"We were heading to the arcade. You wanna come along?" Tae questioned eagerly. I took a moment, not sure if I should or not. The thought of the bullies had instantly cropped up in my mind as soon as he'd offered...

"You should come, it's going to be fun," Jungkook said upon seeing my hesitation.

"Oh, Jungkookie, you two are in the same class, right? This is the girl you were talking about?" Jimin giggled. Really... I wonder what he'd told him exactly? But Jungkook was quick to refute Jimin.

"Shh. No, I dono what you're talking about, Hyung." Jungkook quickly fussed. I couldn't help but laugh at their antics. It was cute.

"Yeah, we're in the same class... I'm Jia. Nice getting to know you." I introduced myself, seeing as I hadn't yet.

"Jungkook, nice to meet you too," he smiled shyly. Jimin stifled a giggle. But Tae hadn't taken his eyes off me the entire time.

"Okay, seeing as we all now know each other, it's settled! You're coming with us." Tae finally cracked a smile and wrapped an arm around me. This left me without a choice unless I wanted to openly be rude and reject their offer. So, in high spirits, the three of us set off, leaving the campus and crossing the road towards the Arcade.

Although it wasn't exactly how I imagined I'd be spending my Friday afternoon, I was secretly really happy that things had turned out this way. For now, I let my worries fade away and enjoyed the warm company I'd found myself in.

"By the way, I recently discovered your music. I like it." I let them know. Figuring it was probably better to mention it than leave it unsaid and have them think I was a creep for knowing their jobs and not saying anything.

"What? Oh, busted~" Jimin laughed.

"Sorry, we didn't mention it. Honestly, you seemed to not know so. It was kinda a pleasant change, seeing as people always treat us so differently as soon as they find out." Tae sighed, arm still around me as we walked.

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