40. Proposition

101 13 62

Sunday, 5th. April. 2015

For the longest time I've been laying here staring at these Taffeta woven curtains. My soul was exhausted and I couldn't think straight. Around and around, their written words whizzed. I remember.

The first day of class with Jimin and Tae. Our school project. Eating dumplings together. Watching Hoseok dance. Visiting him on Tuesdays.

Falling into Namjoon's arms while trying to reach for a CD. Sitting in the park with him as we wrote lyrics together.

Bits and pieces floated around me. I remember.

The sun broke through the curtain, and I knew it must've been morning. I'd barely slept, or had I? I didn't know. I felt like I was working through some kind of rehabilitation, weening myself off a potent drug.

But things seemed to have settled down for now. That notebook was dangerous, but I was desperate to read more. I had to pace myself. There was no telling how this might affect my head. What if something bad happened?

I'd already been through so much, pushing it frightened me. No, I'd wait until later.

For now, I washed and made myself presentable to leave the comfort and safety of my room. Something to eat would do me good. So that's what I did.

While I was sitting in the dining room, Mr Kim was on his way out. On noticing me, he stopped to ask how I was. I told him I was doing fine, which was a complete lie, but oh well. If he knew, he didn't bother pulling me up on it. Instead, he propositioned me with something he needed help with.

Curious about what he could need from me, I asked what he had in mind. Mr Kim explained he could use another personal assistant, someone who could run some errands and help lighten Koh's work load. Nothing too serious, or that would get me in any trouble.

I took a moment to think. It wasn't much to ask from me, seeing as I was basically living here rent free. Not to mention, it'd give me something to fill my spare time with. Distract me a little from these consuming and self-destructive thoughts I've been dwelling in.. Also, it might reveal a little more about who he is. Since the confrontation at the club, it'd been burning in the back of my mind.

After mulling it over, I agreed. He gave an inquiring look, but just shook his head in amusement as I smiled innocently.

He may be some hot shot criminal, but I'm not as naïve as I look. If he's hiding something, I will find out eventually. By this point, I'm convinced it's engraved in my genetics. Or maybe I was a detective or journalist in my past life.

So, after accepting, he tasked me with running a few of his suits down to the laundromat to get them dry cleaned and pressed. Once he'd left, I went to his room and found them draped over the ottoman, just where he'd mentioned they'd be.

I took one of the apartment key cards with me before leaving, so I didn't accidentally lock myself out. I searched on my phone and found the closest laundromat, which was a quick 5-minute walk.

All in all, it wasn't exactly what I'd expected. It's not like I could find anything out by just doing his laundry. Damn. Maybe I'd gotten ahead of myself.

Feeling a little dejected, I made my way back and took the clean suits with me, then retreated into my room. I sat down and started at the notebook again. Maybe I should just read one? I won't go overboard like yesterday. Just one..

I open the page where I left off last night and peer down at the cute little drawing scribbled on the paper.

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