28. Night's blaze

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Friday, 27th. March. 2015

I woke to lips softly kissing mine. The warmth of our naked bodies huddled together under the blanket.

"Morning sweetheart," Tae's voice vibrates against my lips between soft pecks. It runs through my body which is encased under his leg. The warmth and softness of his skin slides over mine. The intimacy, laced with sleepiness. It was like a dream.

"Tae, is this real?" My head was so cloudy, I could barely believe it. But the ache between my legs made it even more real. He gave a small laugh and pulled away.

"I don't know, is it? Should we check? If I pinch you, you're supposed to wake up, right?" A smirk curled at the corner of his lip and his hands glide down my back to grope my ass, his dick twitching against my stomach where it pressed between us.

"Tae wait, no," I breathed out, but he turned to lie on his back, hoisting me with ease on top of him.

"No? You know that's not how this works" Tae nuzzled his face to my cheek, his breath tickling me.

"But... I'm still sore from last night" I buried my face into the crevice of his neck to hide my fluster from the pieces that came back to me.

"Aw. Okay, rest then. I have to get to rehearsals too. Even if I wanted to, I don't have the time. Guess your cute lil pus will have to wait a bit longer for me," I felt his hand slip from my ass down. He slowly dipped a finger in me teasingly. I was already wet, so it went in with ease.

"Nooo" I whined, worried that if he started we wouldn't be able to stop. It had been like that last night.

"Fuck, you're right. I need to stop. I just can't believe how wet my baby is, hm" My body quivered on top of him, those deep words reaching straight to my core.

I could feel him smirking into my hair, so I reached down and pinched his nipple for revenge. He gave a small ouch before gently shifting on his side. I slid off him and back onto the cushions of the couch that we'd fallen asleep on.

"Aren't you going to be late?" I asked, peering back up at him. He gave a sigh and sat up.

"Yeah. I have to get ready" Tae leaned down and kissed me on the forehead before crawling out of our comfortable little spot. There was an empty feeling next to me as I watched him walk naked over to his bag and grab it for a shower.

He was so tall and sexy. His dark hair and muscular body enchanted me so much that I couldn't look away. The flawless shape of his ass as he walked off to the bathroom. I fell back into my pillow as the sound of the shower started. My head slowly spins like I was on a merry-go-round. I was having trouble catching one thought as they whizzed past.

It wasn't long before Tae had finished and was about to go. He kissed me one more time before leaving. I could tell he was in a bit of a hurry.

Now that I was alone, I threw on an oversized shirt and went to grab a glass of water. I could feel a headache coming on, but that wasn't all. A very specific memory came to mind.

One that had plagued me for a long time. It had crossed my mind just before I'd fallen asleep last night.

Tae was the person who came to visit me at the hospital. The picture was becoming more clear. His sad eyes as he sat beside me on that bench.

What did I say to him? I'm sure I didn't know who he was. I'd asked him.. Who he was.

His answer was as clear as day.

'I'm your best friend, Tae-Hyung'

My heart ached, my head pounded. But I couldn't stop them now. Like opening a floodgate, they came crashing through.

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