58. Triple threat

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30th, Thursday Morning. April. 2015

At first, when I heard a knock on the door, I thought I was dreaming. But, as another one sounded through my apartment, I sat up in bed. It was still dark outside the window. I was confused. But then I heard it again, this time more firmly. So, I slipped out of bed and got up to answer it.

Once I opened the door, Tae, Jungkook and Jimin were standing there in the dead of night. Or maybe it was early morning, I wasn't sure.

"Jia," Jimin stepped closer and slumped his head down on my shoulder and as my sight adjusted to the dark, I could see Jungkook and Tae both looked as exhausted as Jimin had sounded.

"Jungkook, Tae, Jimin.. What happened..?" I asked as I looked between them and wrapped my arms around Jimin's waist. He pushed into me more. I could feel him resting his weight on me.

"We just got back from our schedule." Tae mumbled before carefully shuffling past me and Jimin to step into my apartment.

"Ahh. So tired, I feel like I'm going to collapse," Jungkook groaned as he followed Tae. I dragged Jimin with me, but he just grumbled and dragged his feet along, face still buried in my neck.

I made my way over to bed where Jungkook and Tae had gotten comfortable. That's when I noticed Tae looking down.

"Cute panties," He commented, and I realised I'd fallen asleep in my underwear and a singlet. Jimin pulled away and his and Jungkook's gaze shifted downwards.

"Ohh, let me put on-" I could only think of rushing to put on some shorts, but Jimin grabbed me by the waist.

"It's fine, don't worry," he said as he guided me to bed. I guess he was right. It wasn't like they'd never seen me half naked before anyway, so I let it go and took the hand Jungkook had held out to me and crawled up onto his chest to lie down. Jimin and Tae snuggled up on either side of us. Sighs of comfort and the rustling of the sheets followed as we pulled the blanket up over us.

Jungkook's skin felt warm against mine as he wrapped his arms around my stomach and locked his fingers together, holding me in nice and snug. Jimin nuzzled his face into my shoulder and crept his arm at the bottom of my boobies. As I peeped down, I saw they were falling out from under my loose singlet.

"They're so distracting," Jimin mumbled, starting to gently trace under the fabric and up the valley of my chest. Tae peeped through his closed eyes and caught on. He watched for a moment before resting his hand over the breast closest to him and playing with my nipple, then closing his eyes again.

"It tickles," I squirmed, but I was well and truly locked in Jungkook's grip. The feeling of his chest rising and falling as he breathed had me peering up to see if he was sleeping. But he wasn't. His gaze was sleepy but still fixed on where Jimin and Tae were touching me.

"Tickles, does it?" Jimin's voice was laced with a low rasp, the same kind he'd spoken to me with when he'd told me to fuck him. "It feels good, doesn't it, baby?" It was setting my skin on fire with every trace and tickle. My nipples were perking up too, giving away how much this was effecting me.

"Mm. So good." I tried my hardest to bite back the moans that threatened to slip.

"Do you think you could cum from this?" As Jungkook asked, I felt his hands smooth out over my stomach.

"I-" I gasped as Tae pinched my nipple.

"Let's test it out," He suggested with a lazy smirk, readjusting and coming to terms with the fact that we might not be sleeping anytime soon.

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