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Monday, 6th. April. 2015

This morning I headed to class, hoping I could catch up on some work seeing as exams were going to be next week. That, and that I wanted to keep some normalcy in my life. And, despite worrying I might bump into one of the boys while I was on campus, I didn't.

During my lunch break, I headed to the library to do some research on Mr Kim. After scrolling through news articles and trying to find pictures of random, rich CEOs with the last name Kim, I came up empty-handed.

I was at a disadvantage to begin with. Who knew how many Kims were out there? I knew it was probably a moot point, so I wasn't that disappointed when the results of my search came up with nothing.

Next, I tried to look up some information on Bangtan. Since I'd started reading the notes they'd left me, part of me wanted to believe everything they were saying despite my confusion. I didn't want to believe they were the bad guys. I still cared about them so much. Still wanted to be around them. I missed them.

After reading some articles and watching a few interviews, their story seemed to match up with things they'd told me. Like their training period and early debut days. Their company had been close to bankruptcy and there were old vlogs they'd done, talking of certain struggles. It put my mind at ease knowing that there was some tangible proof to what they were writing to me.. But it also made my heart hurt.

Seeing their innocent and humble beginnings only made this whole crime aspect of their lives more shocking. And it didn't make it disappear or excuse it, either. I still knew nothing about that side of them. I had to learn more. Had to get to the bottom of this, once and for all. There were still too many answers I didn't have. I need to know.

The most obvious way to do that would be to dive into that world. Right?


That was easier said than done. Not to mention how dangerous it would be. Is it likely that I will die young? All for what? Then again, even when I wasn't risking it all, I still seemed to come close to death much too often. If it was my fate, then there was no escaping it, regardless of how I lived my life.

I'm strong and I'm sure. No matter how chaotic, how dire, I will keep going. No matter what it takes. I'm going to do this. I can't run from the truth just because it might be dangerous or too much to take.


With a newfound resolve in my heart and a half-baked plan that was just as bad of an idea as it seemed, I headed back to the apartment.

My plan being that I was going to try and use Mr Kim as a stepping stone to get a foot in the door to this secret shadow life they all lived. There wasn't any other way I could think of to do that. But I didn't want to let Mr Kim or Bangtan know my motives. I didn't exactly trust Mr Kim. I couldn't trust him until I knew more about him, too.

So, when I got back, I went and knocked on his office door to see if he was home. He was, so when he invited me in and inquired why I'd dropped in, I flat out asked him to give me more errands to do.

At first he stayed silent, as though contemplating why I would ask such a thing. Instead of saying that, he gave a resigned sigh and gave in to my request. Mr Kim told me he had an expensive bottle of liquor that needed to be delivered to one of his clubs. The bottle, which he pulled from his cabinet and handed to me, was a Japanese single malt whiskey.

I gulped hard when he casually mentioned how much it was worth. Who in their right mind would pay 50,000 dollars for this? But I kept my cool and acted like I wasn't sweating, so he wouldn't have any second thoughts about trusting me with this.

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