39. Overdose

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Saturday, 4th. April. 2015

Another terrible night of sleep for me. I'd been tossing and turning for hours before I fell asleep. This morning I was awoken by Koh, who had brought me a fruit bowl and an iced coffee for breakfast. It saved me having to leave my room, which was nice. In all honesty, I wasn't feeling so well these past few days and maybe Koh had noticed. He'd drawn back the curtain, which nearly blinded me but insisted I shouldn't stay huddled in the dark and that it wasn't healthy for me.

I didn't complain, instead I mumbled back a small 'okay' and sat up in bed, then took the bowl from the side table. I popped a slice of orange into my mouth. It was tangy but delicious.

Before leaving, Koh asked me what I planned to do today. I told him I wasn't sure, maybe try to get some schoolwork done, that was until I realised I needed some things from my apartment. Koh offered to sneak into my place today and grab the things I needed. I laughed. The thought of him going all stealth mode like some kinda undercover spy was funny. After telling him where to find my textbooks, he told me to leave it to him and that he'd see me later.

Once he left and I was alone, sitting on this fancy bed with a bowl of fruit, a thought occurred to me. I don't know where it came from, but it felt like I was some kind of mafia princess or something. Just chilling in the expensive place.. being able to ask for pretty much anything I needed..

It's not that I felt special or anything. No, if anything, it made me suspicious. Despite Mr. Kim making it clear he basically felt sorry for me, could I really just accept that?

No. I now knew better. Was there something going on that I didn't know about? The way Namjoon just rolled over to Mr Kim last night just didn't feel right. The boys were always so protective of me, I thought for sure some conflict would've broken out, or they would've tried to take me away. But nothing.

I gazed at the room until I noticed that notebook again. Unsure of my feelings, I grabbed the book to look over some of my past writings, hoping it might help me put things into perspective or ease my mind.

I flicked through the pages. All my entries were still there. I still can't believe they somehow had my personal writing. Part of that made me feel uncomfortable.

Suddenly I noticed that the back of the notebook was filled with entries that weren't in my handwriting. I flicked through, confusing overtaking. I found the first of many and started to read.

Entry 1.


It's Jimine here :)

So, seeing as this is the first memory I have to give you, it's only right that it be of the time when we met at school ~

I was a little nervous walking into that first day of class. But then I saw you, up in the aisle, sitting by yourself. I remember thinking to myself how pretty you were. The way your long hair fell so carelessly around your cute face. And as silly a reason as that sounds, it was how it all began. I went straight there and sat right next to you. I remember wondering if you were kind as well, you know, sometimes looks don't always match up with a person, but as soon as we started talking I knew you were a sweet girl.

Even back then, I had a feeling we'd become friends. My intuition is pretty spot on, so I followed my feelings.

Do you remember? Tae showed up too, and we all started talking together? After you left, he told me he had a crush on you (〃ω〃)

But, back to the part that stands out the most! It was the group project we were assigned~

I know now it wasn't a coincidence, more like serendipity. Just like me picking up this notebook that you dropped..

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