20. Weathering With You

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Friday, 20th. March. 2015

The faint sound of rain tapped on the window as I woke up. Spring showers had finally arrived, but I hoped they let up before I had to leave for class. I reached to my side bench for my phone to check the weather but I saw a single text notification from Tae. Curiosity filled me as I slid it open. It was a short message and a link to a video.

'For you'

I clicked on it, only to be taken to another page. Someone like you - (Sung & produced by V).

I pressed play. Tae's sweet yet deep sultry voice emanated from the speaker of my phone. I listened, in a trance until the very end.

Was this really for me? Surely not... it had to be for his fans, right?

It was posted on their groups' video page.... But then why text me and say it was for me? He didn't seem like the type to say things he didn't mean.

After noticing the time I put my thoughts aside to check the weather. Glad at seeing the rain was scheduled to stop soon I got up and ready for class. I didn't know who to expect at my door this morning but whoever it was I didn't want to keep them waiting.

Luckily I'd just finished packing my bag when the knock on my door came. And, when I answered, Yoongi stood on my front balcony. The beanie, ripped jeans and black hoodie he wore made him look cute as hell. Not to mention the way his clear skin glowed perfectly in the morning light.

"Morning cutie" He greeted nonchalantly, stifling aside a yawn by covering it with his hand, folded umbrella in the other.

"Hey, didn't sleep well last night?" I questioned as I stepped out and locked my door behind me, trying to push aside my thoughts of how good he looked when he was sleepy.

Yoongi gave a small grumble. "If you can call four hours sleep, then sure."

"Jeez. That's rough. What were you doing?" I asked, the two of us made our way down the stairs, Yoongi following closely behind me.

As we walked to class Yoongi told me in more detail about the song he'd been working on for the new album, The Most Beautiful Moments in Life. It'd been the reason for his lack of sleep and countless nights up late locked away in his studio.

Upon hearing how hard he was working I felt moved. So, despite being unsure of how helpful I could be I still offered to give him a hand if he ever needed it. He gratefully accepted my offer, giving a teasing smirk as he warned me that I couldn't take it back now and not to regret it when he called me up to join him.

We arrived at the door to my class in no time, the two of us coming to a halt and turning to face each other.

"I'll be busy during the day so Jungkook is going to spend lunch with you. But, I'll come and pick you up at the end of the day. How's that sound?"

"Okay, sounds good. Have a good day and I'll see you later" I gave a wave.

"You too, see you tonight Jia" Yoongi gave a pursed-lip smile before leaving. As I sat through class my mind was restless. This was turning into a habit.

The lack of sleep was the cause of Yoongi's bluntness, no doubt. That, or maybe he was just naturally the sarcastic type. Every time I'd had a run-in with him it'd confused me. Cold then warm.

Comparing the first time I'd walked in on him in the studio to now, it'd changed dramatically. Did he feel sorry for me? Was he being nice out of pity? Or perhaps it was only because his band members were fond of me?

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