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Wednesday, 22nd. April. 2015

This morning I woke up to a call from Yoongi. The last time I saw him, I'd promised I wouldn't ignore his calls anymore, so I answered. It wasn't just because I'd promised, but those were feelings I wasn't ready to dive into just yet. Not with how unstable things were. Like they'd fall apart at the slightest disturbance. A house made from a deck of cards.

The first thing Yoongi asked me to do was come into his studio today. Before I could ask why, he mentioned he received the lyrics I'd sent in yesterday and wanted to work on them with me as soon as possible. After a moment to think it over, I agreed.

Even though I'd sent them in at the last moment, somehow Yoongi had found them, and even more to my surprise, wanted to use them. I was flattered and despite being nervous about stepping into their agency, it may have been that flattery that pushed me to just go in.

I scrounged through the wardrobe, feeling a little tired of wearing dresses for work, so I decided on something a bit more comfortable. A pair of blue sweats and a white puff jacket. Very cozy and snug, seeing as it was a little chilly today.

I packed my writing equipment and notebooks, which weren't much, into a bag, then left. As I was on my way out, Koh noticed me and offered to give me a lift. We walked down to the car park, hopped in and I gave him the address, which he put into the gps. The location came up and he didn't ask any questions after seeing that it was Big Hits.

It's not that I thought there would be a problem with it, seeing as I was my own person and had freedom to do whatever I pleased. However, part of me expected him to be a little curious or question my choices. Perhaps I'd been wrong in my assumption.

Instead, he took me straight there and dropped me off out there in front of the building. I headed in. The receptionist was the one that I'd met before. She recognised me as well and let me in without any problems.

With each step closer to Yoongi's studio, I took my mind started whizzing. He'd said I'd helped write songs for them in the past, which I still had no recollection of. So I was a little nervous. The last time he'd called me in, he'd merely wanted an opinion.

There was still a huge gap in my memories missing. I sure didn't remember them being criminals. But that wasn't the source of my nerves, funnily enough. I had my doubts about writing with him for this song. There was a bit of pressure to turn it out today and I was feeling it.

I took a deep breath and knocked on his studio door. A moment later, Yoongi opened it with a smile.

"About time, get in here," He joked, and I let him gently pull me in. As I stepped in, Joon turned in the chair he was leaning back in from at the desk, eyes meeting mine and a smile breaking across his face.

"Hey, what's up?" He nodded. My response got caught in my throat for a second. Why had I thought Yoongi would be by himself?

"You're also helping?" I asked Joon. He may have noticed I was surprised, because he chuckled. Yoongi had guided me down into a chair between the two, sat to my left and started fiddling with the computer.

"Yeah, we got your lyrics and looked them over. Wish you hadn't left it so late, though." Joon gave a shrug. Yoongi groaned before looking at us.

"Late is an understatement. The only way we'd be able to make the deadline is if Namjoon and I both team up like this." Yoongi stared at me as though this mess was all my own doing.

"I mean.. you could've just not used it.." I mumbled, not really meaning it, though.

"Huh? You can't just send us these amazing lyrics and then expect us not to use them?" Yoongi laughed, "You can't be serious?"

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