9. Make That Two

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Tuesday, 10th. March. 2015

"Joon, hey. Where are you? Why didn't you pick up my call earlier?" Hoseok's voice blared through the phone as Joon put it to his ear, taking a few steps towards the edge of the sidewalk as to not block people as they passed by.

"Hob, I'm uh, across the road from Jia's place. Sorry, I meant to call you back. What's up?"

"Well, it's Yoongi's birthday tonight so I wanted to check what tim- Wait. Did you say you were out the front of Jia's? What the hell are you doing there?"

"Ah. I dono. Fuck. Hobi, I'm seriously contemplating just going over there and telling her everything. I don't know how much more of this I can take. I feel like we're lying to her."

"Namjoon-Ah. You know we can't do that right?! I hear what you're saying. I feel fucking terrible too, but, what's worse? Her potentially losing it at the information overload or us having to suck it up for now. C'mon bro, the last thing we need is you having a menty b right now."

"Shit. I know. I just-" Joon paused, wondering if Hoseok had actually just referred to a mental breakdown as a 'Menty B' or if he was just imagining things. Hoseok went on.

"It'll be alright. I just get this feeling like maybe this is for the best, that sounds kind of fucked up but, let's just try and think rationally. Ok?"

"Yeah, you're right Hob-ah. Ok. So what were you saying about Yoongi?"

"Oh right, we're doing his birthday thing tonight. What time you gonna get here?"

"Uhh, around 6 probably."

"Okay cool. Don't do anything stupid. I'll catch ya later." Joon hung up the phone with a deep sigh, lifting his gaze only to see Jia disappear through the automated doors as she entered the coffee shop.


After morning class it was that time of day I looked forward to the most.

"An Iced Americano please, large."

"Make that two." I was halfway through ordering when a deep voice came from right behind me. I quickly spun around to see the tall intellectual that'd lent me a pen last week. He smiled brightly down at me.

"Oh hi!" It was nice to see him, I'd been wondering if I'd bump into him again. The cashier pulled us from our little delightful encounter.

"Name for the order?" He questioned, part of me thought he probably was over customers being vague with their orders. Both of us answered with our names at the same time. The cashier stared at us blankly.

"Sorry which was it?" He asked.

Namjoon, as I'd just learnt, was quick to insist on using his and, after we both laughed off the awkward moment he invited me to join him for a chat. I happily agreed so we both collected our drinks and made our way to a quiet table tucked in the corner of the Café.

As Namjoon adjusted in his seat and turned his attention to me, I observed his light tan complexion and masculine features being accentuated by the denim jacket he was wearing. He exuded an air of sexiness that I perhaps had been too frazzled to fully appreciate the first time we met.

"So, what were you working on the other day? Looked like it was writing itself." He took a sip of his drink as he asked, giving a refreshed-filled sigh afterwards.

"Just some lyric drafts. When you mentioned you dabbled in lyrics too I was surprised. I wanted to ask you more about it." I replied, crossing my legs and leaning my arm on the side rest of the chair.

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