27. Missing

145 12 3

Thursday, 26th. March. 2015

Rough knocking on the front door woke me up and a throb slowly crept up, probably from drinking that bottle of wine so hastily last night.

Staring at Jin curled up to me, snoring, added to my recollection of the memory. We were both still wearing our clothes from last night, too. We must've passed out.

Again, a loud knock sounded even more urgently. I grumbled as I forced myself to get up and answer it. Just before I reached the door, Jin rolled over with a loud snore and I chuckled to myself. He must have been in a deep sleep.

"Who is it?" I called out, opening the door. The brightness blinded me for a second before I saw Tae's figure encircled by the gleam of morning light.

"Your beloved. What took so long? Hm?" Tae said. I squinted to see his unreadable expression.

"Ah, I just woke up. Sorry" I rubbed my eyes. Tae gently nudged me aside and came in, so I just closed the door behind him and stood there trying to shake my drowsiness. However, Tae didn't bother with me and headed straight over to Jin.

"Hyung, wake up. Namjoon Hyung needs you." Tae wasn't exactly his playful self, but I couldn't tell if he was upset either. I headed to the kitchen to pour a glass of water to settle my light headache.

Jin groaned loudly as Tae kept nagging him to get up, eventually giving in and sitting up.

"Huh? What does Namjoon need? "What time is it?" He asked with a scowl, which, wasn't directed at anyone in particular.

"Just call him back. He's been trying to reach you for an hour" Tae grabbed Jin's phone from beside him and shoved it in his hand. Usually, Jin would shoot back something sassy, but maybe he was still too tired to think of anything so, instead, he just looked through his phone.

Tae sat down on the edge of the bed before looking over at me as I stood at the counter, still sipping on a glass of water.

"I gotta go. Shit," Jin suddenly stood before looking around apprehensively. He became flustered and collected his things, then came over and gave me a quick peck on the forehead before he turned to leave.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, trying to figure out what was going on. But he merely brushed it off.

"Nothing you need to worry about." I felt defeated as the front door closed behind him. They had a bad habit of not telling me things, and lately, I noticed it more and more.

"Jia" Tae called my name from over on the couch. I peeked over to see him fiddling with my laptop. A song played and then he stood and came to me.

"Taee" I called back, leaning over the counter. He stopped as he reached the other end.

"Get ready for school. I'll take care of breakfast" I thought about his offer for a second. It didn't sound bad at all seeing as I wanted to get out of these clothes and shower.

"Aw, aren't you sweet," I smiled. "I won't be long."

Tae's gaze followed me as I went over to collect some clothes to change into after my shower. I would not make the same mistake as last time. Once I'd picked them up and went over to the bathroom, Tae had already started rummaging through my fridge.

Soon enough I was squeaky clean, sitting back at the counter waiting for Tae to serve the eggs and bacon he'd cooked.

"It smells delicious" I hummed as he took a seat beside me, placing both plates on the bench.

"Not as delicious as you," He replied. I stayed in place as he gently picked up a strand of my hair and smelt it. "The cherry blossom scent you use is so delectable."

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