47. Hold it in

114 16 56

Tuesday, 21st. April. 2015

Today was the deadline for submitting lyrics and even though it was the last second, as soon as I'd sat down to write, they had all just come out so effortlessly. I hummed a piano melody I'd gotten stuck in my head and it was as though the words had written themselves. By midday, I'd compiled the files and sent them through.

I doubt they'd even consider my submission, seeing as it was much too late to include it on their coming album. But there was always a chance it might make the cut for the next, if they made another.

All else aside, they made incredible music. And it wasn't until recently that I'd learnt I'd helped with that in their earlier songs. It still came as a shock but, after checking the writing credits, I'd found my name there, clear as day, so it was true.

I still hadn't checked the account Yoongi had transferred over to me. I don't know why. Maybe I was nervous to see what was in there. Nevertheless, I figure I should probably do that at some point, too.

I had some japchae for lunch and then kept myself busy until it was time to leave for work. My mind drifted back to the previous night and I wondered if Tae would indeed keep his word and visit every night or not. I'd left the red rose he'd given me in a vase on my desk.

It was common knowledge that red roses signified romance of the highest order. An 'I love you deeply'. But perhaps less known, they also signified death. How morbid of me. But it was true. I doubt the second was what Tae meant when he'd given it to me, though.

My wayward thoughts carried me all the way to the club, but once I entered there was far too much vibrancy. I said a few hellos as I made my way to the dressing room. Once I entered and went to place my bag under my vanity table, Sephora, who had been in conversation with a group of girls I didn't know, noticed me and came over.

"Jia, how are things?" She asked as she came up beside my vanity table, leaning against it.

"Things are good." I smiled, slipping into my chair and pulling my hair out of the clip I'd had it in. I nudged aside a makeup compact and set the clip down between a couple lipsticks.

"So, I heard Tae Hyung came to see you last night? Seems he's really taken a liking to you" Her smile held some cheek, but, I guess inevitably, the girls would talk. And Tae wasn't exactly discrete in any way, shape or form.

"Yeah, I guess he has." I said, still curious where she was going with this. The glints of gold in the seams of her black corset sparkled as she tilted her head questioningly.

"You guess? How can you be so casual? Wait, do you not know who he is?" I got the impression she knew something I didn't. Did she?

"You mean an idol? Yeah, I already knew that." I replied. But she shook her head.

"An idol. Yeah, that's no secret," she giggled before leaning a bit closer as though about to tell me a secret, "But he's also kinda dangerous. Rumour has it he's a part of some gang."

"Oh?" I feigned being stunned by what she'd said. Although I already knew this, I wanted to know how much more she knew. It seems the boys are notorious, even around here.

"Yeah. I haven't seen anything personally, but there's a girl that works here that's friends with a girl that work at their club. Seventh Heaven. I've heard some wild stories, so just thought I'd give you a heads up." She took a step back again, nibbling at her lip. It seemed like she was telling me purely out of courtesy.

"Wow. Um, okay. That's interesting." At first I wasn't sure how to interpret the information. However, as the cogs in my mind ticked over, I stopped her just before she was about to walk away.

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