Twenty - Five | Jinxed

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- Cameron Hayes -

It is going to be sunny today, perfect. Today's the day I am going to ask Aviva to be my girlfriend. Toulouse is at Marcel's house, and I've triple checked that Aviva will not be busy today. But just to be sure.

"Hey Camcam, how you are doing?" She answers the phone first ring.

"Hey Jones, you free today?" I ask, trying to sound as casual as possible.

"Yeah, I'm free. I was going to come over in a couple of hours if that is, ok?"

Perfect, and it is always ok.

"That's all right. Let's go out to eat, the weather's nice for once." I suggest.

"Sounds an awful lot like you asking me out. What is the catch?" She asks suspiciously.

"You got me; I was planning to kidnap you so Lucy would love me more." I reply.

Her laugh echoes through my speaker into my room, "I'll be there at 4."

"See you later Jones." I end the call and release a sigh of relief. That was hard, and now I'm petrified.

Now usually I'm a pretty confident person, but not cocky. I know where I stand, but she makes me feel nervous in ways I don't understand. What would I even say? I am only twenty, but I know you're the love of my life, let's be together forever.

No. But who do I ask? I want it to be from the heart. I should probably write this down. Wow I'm stressed.

Her sarcasm is something I grew to love. At first, I didn't get why people liked her so much, and what I was missing. It was that heart of hers, the constant necessity to put others first even though they do not deserve it.

Cough cough Alexis.

But that smile and laugh of hers in contagious as hell. When she smiles there is no one else in the room in a bad mood. She gets me like nobody else too and cares about the little stuff I do. There is never a dull moment with her.

I have no shame in saying that I am obsessed with her, and I have fallen, fast. I'm also aware that I sound like a lovestruck teen, and what's annoying is that Caleb jinxed this so now I owe him a bar of chocolate.

There is a list of supplies I am going to need before she comes over, so I'll need to take a quick trip to the store.


Aviva mentioned that she took her hair out. So for the nostalgia I got her the butterfly clips she was wearing when we first met. Luckily enough they were still around, despite it being so long ago.

Next on the list is all her favourite snacks that she told me about. A picnic at the place we first met at should be nice. Will I need to ask her parents? But they're abroad, I don't know what continent they are in so there's no way of reaching them.

They have met me before, and I'm sure they love me. But I should ask her siblings or at least Levi. But I don't have his number either. So, I'll just hope for the best.

Last thing on the list is flowers. You may be thinking well you're going to a flower field, duh. But to really make it a full circle, I need to put a daisy in her hair.

After getting all the components I make my way back home.


Not even after five minutes after I get home, there is a knock at the door. It's already four. I begin to tap on the wall with my left hand as I open the door with my right.

Aviva greets me at the door, and it is almost as if fate told her, today was the day. She looks stunning - don't get me wrong, she always looks good - but today she looks perfect. She is wearing a long floral dress and her hair is in two puffs just like when we first met.

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