My finger skims down his sharp, chiseled jaw in a leisurely movement. "Asiel? Baby? Estás celoso? I thought you didn't want anything besides friendship with me?"

(Are you jealous?)

A goofy smile invades his face as he tries to play it off with an eye roll. It's entertaining to observe his actions whenever I say a response he hasn't pictured. The animosity is chomping away at his organs. I would hate myself too if I kept fighting against the inevitable.

He ground me with a hard glare. "Of course not. It would be ridiculous of me to feel anything towards a prostitute. Wouldn't it?"

Both my brows go up. By now, I've learned not to be offended by the shit that comes out of anyone's mouth. Jealousy doesn't always look pretty on everyone, especially on a man that's been swallowing his temptation for months. He so desperately needs to release some stress. On me would be the best option.

"Since when have I only been a prostitute to you? I thought you hated hearing others refer to me as one."

He barks out a laugh. "And I thought it didn't matter how people referred to you."

"Oh, it doesn't," I reply indifferently. "It's just very interesting to see how you react under the pressures of jealousy. Some girls might find it demeaning, but I find it kind of sexy to see the asshole inside of you."

Asiel shakes his head, giving me that same laugh from moments before. "I'm not jealous. Si quieres follar con Luka, adelante. I won't waste a breath trying to stop you."

(If you want to fuck Luka, go ahead.)

My eyebrow arches. "Mmm, Luka, huh? I'm guessing you guys know each other?" I suspiciously tilt my head, shifting closer to Asiel, our chests inches from touching. "Does it bother you that I've fucked your friend before I've fucked you? That he's seen me in ways you spend every night fascinating about?"

He pulls in a silent breath, probably growing impatient with me. It's too bad I love getting this reaction from him. I think his fixation with me has officially rubbed off on me. I don't normally get addicted to my victims, but there's a thing about Asiel I couldn't put my finger on.

His jaw ticks like a time bomb. "Me importa un carajo con quién te acuestas, Mika. Ve a follar con él todo la noche. Luka es tu cliente favorito, no?"

(I don't give a fuck who you sleep with, Mika. Go fuck him all night. Luka is your favorite client, isn't he?)

I see.

Someone has been spreading bullshit into his ears. Probably Luka. He takes pride in thinking he's my favorite. He couldn't be anywhere farther. I don't favor any clients over another, including Asiel. It so happens once upon a time, I needed to be closer to Luka to achieve a certain mission. However, it's come with a side effect. He's served his purpose, but at the cost of growing attached.

An incredulous laugh burst out of me, driven by pleasure and fulfillment. "Who started that rumor? Asiel, I fuck Luka because I have to. If it was my choice, I would want to spend the night with you."

His eyes flash, and then I'm being yanked toward him, his hands clasping my cheeks. A noise of surprise gets the better of me when he holds his gaze full of dark, lustful, and passion.

"No puredo soportar mas estos juegos Mika." His breath fans my cheeks as he bends down to whisper in my ear. "If I'm going to disregard all my rules for you, then I need to know you care. Even if it's only one percent."

(I can't stand these games anymore, Mika.)

"I have made my intention with you very clear." I jerk my head away from his grasp, and he drops his hands to his side. "But if you want honesty, here I go. I don't chase. I get chased. I've made multiple advances only to receive rejections. It's your turn, Asiel. Do you want me tonight?"

MikaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora