(132) To Be Twins - Logicality (with Anxceit, PattonxEmile and Creativitwins)

Start from the beginning

In reality the thought of dating Remy seemed absolutely disgusting. It wasn't just dating Remy that seemed gross - dating anyone seemed to be living hell. Romance just seemed disgusting like kissing was just swapping saliva for an extended period of time and it was seen as 'cute'. At first Logan believed he just had to wait until he fell in love but recently he realised he never would feel like Patton felt about Emile...

The only conclusion was that something was wrong with him.

"Oh my God Logie!" Patton was by his brother's side giving him hugs. Logan's eyes were getting teary but he was trying his best to hide it, but he was failing as he always did. But Logan was always accepting of his brother's hugs. "What's wrong buddy?"

"I don't love Remy!" This was breaking point. Logan had enough of everyone telling him that he'd fall in love eventually - he won't - he was faulty like that. "I don't love anyone! I don't know why I just can't fall in love like you do..."

Patton was clasped onto his brother while Emile gave Logan a knowing nod. Logan had told Emile he felt like this but he never had a word for it - he felt as though talking through his issues would help but instead he just more felt wrong. He needed to know this was normal and he wasn't going to be ostracised.

"Have you heard of aro-ace people Logie?" Logan shook his head - for the twin of a gay man he should really know more identities than just gay, bisexual and straight. But he still had time to learn. "Well, they're people who can't fall in love. They're totally normal and they have amazing lives!"


"Mhm!" Now Emile had his hand on Logan's shoulder, and Remy's hand was on the other. "They have family and friends just like you do and successful careers and happy lives without the need for a boyfriend or girlfriend."

Logan smiled softly and held onto his twin. That made more sense. Being aro-ace made more sense than any of the illogical thoughts he had before. He was so glad to have his brother and friends either way.


Logan happily knocked on his brother's front door, a box of baby toys in his arms so he could hardly see in front of him. But he was excited - of course he was. He finally got enough hours off work to travel to where Patton and Emile had settled their lives and now he was going to meet his nephew for the first time. And from Instagram pictures said baby was really cute.

"LOGIE!" Logan was thrown to the ground in a hug before he could react, but he was used to this behaviour so he just had to laugh and hug back. Living so far apart was difficult for both twins but whenever they reunited it was like they were teenagers again. "Oh my God! How was the train journey? How's life? Did you get that super-duper-awesome promotion yet you were working towards?"

"I've just been - vibing? Is that the word?" Patton giggled and nodded, grabbing the box of toys and placing it on the dining room table as Logan's eyes immediately landed to Emile and who the therapist was holding. His heart expanded just seeing his new family member.

The baby had Emile's round cheeks and Patton's freckles, and he was watching his uncle curiously now as his bottle must seem boring. He was dressed exactly how Logan would have expected Patton and Emile to dress their son - a pastel green t-shirt and dark grey overalls with Disney socks. "Oh my goodness... Is this Roman? Hi buddy!"

'Roman' cooed and reached an arm out to his uncle, making Emile giggle. "Careful Lo, Remus really loves stealing our glasses if we get too close." Emile kissed the baby's cheek and rocked him a little. But Logan just looked confused for a moment. He could swear he saw pictures of 'Roman' on Patton and Emile's Instagram pages.

"Oh, did I get my nephew's name wrong in the first time I met him? I'm sorry buddy!" Emile was happy to pass the baby over to the nervous new uncle - Logan really couldn't look away from the little cutie. 

Until he heard another baby's cry.

"Is... Is Patton watching baby videos even though he has a baby?" Logan chuckled, squishing Remus' cheek and looking everywhere for his brother. Patton had a habit of disappearing and appearing again with no warning whatsoever. "Pat?"

"Here Lo-Lo!" Patton cheered and came bounding down the stairs, baby carrier strapped to his chest and holding... another baby? Logan's mind had to pause to process this new information that he was holding a newborn baby and his twin was also holding an identical looking infant wearing a red prince onesie. "Romano's still a little sleepy from his naptime... Hey kiddo?"

The new baby screeched a little and stuffed his fist in his face, trying to keep his eyes closed as he was obviously disturbed from his nap. So Logan was an uncle - of two boys? Twin boys nonetheless? History was repeating itself in the absolute best way. 

"Hey Roman..." Logan whispered, holding Remus in one hand and leaning down a little in order to stroke Roman's cheek. His squeals calmed at the touch and he slowly started to fall asleep again. Logan absolutely adored his family even more now - he had the best brother and brother-in-law and now they had the cutest sons. "We love you."

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