Flowers and a broken teapot - Museum I

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"Miss? Where do you want to display those flower arrangements?"

With a concentrated expression, you turned to the friendly voice, your red, floor-length gown  twirling around your body. The woman in front of you was dressed in the museum's uniform, smiling politely at you, in her hands a bouquet with white orchids and dark-magenta gladiolus.

"Oh! Wonderful! They have finally arrived!" Your tense face instantly changed into a relieved one and your lips curled up into a smile. "Please bring them to the Joseon dynasty section. One of my employees is waiting for you there and will help to display them correctly."

The woman bowed politely and immediately made her way through the hall full of busy people dressed in uniforms, costumes, and your company's shirts. The last preparations for the grand opening of the exhibition were in full force and shortly the large doors of the museum behind you would open for a lustrous crowd of celebrities, historians, politicians, and idols. The museum held this kind of event every year, inviting all the important people in the city to an evening full of expensive food, live music, and dancing. And this year your company was the one to manage the whole thing. And plan everything into the last, little detail. Including the beautiful exhibits of pottery from various Korean historical periods.

You looked down on your phone and checked the time. The flowers were the last thing missing and with their arrival, everything was set. At least on your to-do list. Now you had a little more than an hour left for taking a last glance over everything and checking up on your employees. With a smile you started to wander through the spacious halls, scattered with well-lit pedestals, lush flower arrangements, cozy seating areas, and elegant high-tables stocked with candlesticks. You greeted some of the museum's guides on your way and admired their well-made costumes, fitted to their respective time period.
Your hair was twisted into an elegant updo, the softly curled strands of hair framing your face, gently swaying while you wandered around. You gave the last instructions here and there, correcting the position of a table or the placement of a decorative element. Since your company was only ten people strong at the moment, you hired additional staff to support you for this event. And luckily that was really a good investment. In the end, the scope of this project was almost a bit too big for your current size. But with help, you managed to get everything ready and finished it in time.

With a satisfied smile, you finished your tour, arriving at the last stop of the exhibition. The large main hall. You let your eyes wander over the large pedestal in the center, the huge buffet table at one end, and the colorfully-lit display cases with the most valuable items of this exhibition on the other. The people from the catering unloaded boxes filled with delicious snacks and finger food, arranging everything beautifully on the white linen cloth of the buffet table. If you were being honest, you were a bit hungry. Since you didn't want to wake the boys this morning, you just quickly showered, picked up your things, and quietly left for the museum. They had their comeback yesterday, so they were fast asleep after a day full of meetings, shootings, and interviews. And for that you didn't manage to eat a proper breakfast, only some fruits when you stopped at the office, so your stomach grumbled when you walked past the buffet, taking in the mouth-watering display.

Suddenly you spotted a bunch of familiar faces, undergoing their soundcheck on the stage with laughter and certain energy you come to love them for. One of them locked eyes with you, instantly throwing you a beaming smile and an excited wave. With a grin, you approached the stage, the other men recognizing you one after the other with more friendly smiles and wide grins.


Your name blasted out of the sound system and through the large hall, echoing on the tall walls and dome-shaped ceiling.

Living in your universe - BTS OT7 x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें