I am not used to this - Museum IV

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"Then use me."

Your eyes shot open and pure surprise showed up on your face. "I am sorry ... what?!" You quickly said, blinking furiously while trying to put together this unexpected sentence.

"Use me to gain back control, Y/N." He said once again, his voice now trembling slightly. "Don't hold back. Do what feels right, until you feel safe and grounded again. I want..." He inhaled as if he needed to gain the courage to say what was on his mind. "I want that ... too." A blush crept on his face and with this unsure glance in your direction, you suddenly knew what he meant.

Holy shit.

Was this something you wanted? Something you needed right now? You took your time, letting the prospect of his suggestion dissolve into your system, making sure you were on the same page. And suddenly, when your eyes met again, you knew. It blazed through you like a lightning, clearing out your mind in a matter of seconds.

You tilted your head, a small smirk in the corner of your mouth. "Please explain it more precisely." The words rolled over your tongue, your tone deep and with a suggestive hint. "How should I use you?"

He gulped audibly, his eyes nervously wandering over you, his hands fidgeting with the hem of his black suit jacket.

"I...I...I..." He tried to say, but his voice cracked.

You chuckled wryly, slowly making your way over to the bathroom's door and locking it shut with one swift motion. The suppressed 'Holy shit' you clearly heard, made you smile with anticipation and your heart started to pick up its pace.

"Lose the jacket and shirt." You said with a commanding tone. The sharpness of your voice cut through the now heavy atmosphere and triggered a row of quiet curses from the man behind you. With a bossy smirk, you turned around and snapped with your finger. The tall man's head flew upwards and his eyes were widened with surprise.

"Did I stutter, Kim ? I said lose your clothes, not cuss behind my back."

The only answer you got was a very turned-on glance in your direction and him, instantly ripping his jacket open and trying to pull the shirt over his head as quickly as possible, without dismantling his long wig. You took your time, slowly walking over to him, taking in every hasty movement he made and every small moan already escaping his mouth. He was into this. And you were too.
When you arrived, he had managed to lose all his upper garments, throwing them on the wide sink of the bathroom, across from you. His well-defined abs and impressive, muscled chest was softly outlined by the shimmering, yellow light of the cleverly placed spots, scattered on the room's ceiling. His breathing was going fast and his eyes laid on you, an expression in them you never had seen before. No, wait. That wasn't right. You had seen it one time. Only a second.

"And what is that, Joon?" You asked him with a calm voice.

He looked back at you, his eyes wandering over your body. For a glimpse, you could see something that surprised you. Hunger.

And now, it was the same. The usually soft brown of his orbs, now almost looked black. His eyes were hooded, piercing through you with so much lust and arousal, your core instantly started to get wet.

"Better." You stated with a satisfied grin, reaching out one hand and letting your fingertips grace over his skin lightly. Your eyes followed the trail your fingers wandered over. He shuddered, you touching him visibly affecting him greatly. His expression slipped. The hunger was replaced by an almost pleading look. "Do you like it when I touch you?" You asked with a petty smile.

"Y-yeah." His voice was quiet and slightly trembled.

You quickly looked up to him, your hand softly grabbing his and pulling it to your lips. "Why are you so nervous?" You whispered against his skin.

Living in your universe - BTS OT7 x readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ