With you, I feel no fear - Birthday party I

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You groaned loudly, as the intensive buzzing of your phone woke you up from your power nap. It was late afternoon and you looked out of your window onto the busy city while you stretched your limps and yawned loudly. With hooded eyes, you checked the caller ID and the moment you read the name, your energy level boasted, causing you to jolt up and smile with excitement.

"Sunshine!" The cheerful voice on the other end never failed to let your heart beat faster and conjure a wide grin on your face.

"My prince." You said with a chuckle.

"Hm, yes. Yours..." The man on the other end said with an almost serious voice. "So, how's it going? I haven't seen you in days. I only heard from the others that Tae and Jin visited you in your office and you train with JK on a regular basis. Did you forget about me, sun?"

With a giggle you got up from your bed and walked around the wall, dividing your sleeping and kitchen area. "I could never forget you, even if I wanted to, Hobi." You reached for a glass and poured in some fresh water from a glass can. Then you took a sip and chuckled, hearing the man's bright laughter.

"But thanks for asking. I am quite stressed. The exhibition is coming nearer and everyone is losing their minds in the office. Even Do-yun seems a lot more stressed than normal." You sighed, thinking back to the small fight you had with her. It was stupid. You fought over something so irrelevant, you didn't even remember. It ended in you storming out of the workshop and her throwing an old rag behind you. But after some cool-down time, you reconciled and blamed your high-stress level, paired with a lack of sleep.

"Well, good thing is that I want to kidnap you tonight." Hoseok said with an amused tone in his voice.

"This sounds quite familiar." You said with a grin. "Jimin tried the same thing and I have to say, the outcome was quite ... positive." You thought back to your evening with your new boyfriend. The boutique, the dressing room, his soft kisses, and all those confessions.

"Perfect. I will pick you up in two hours." You could almost see his heart-shaped grin and those gleaming eyes. "And don't forget to check your door after I hang up."

"W...why?" You said, but it was too late. This mischievous man already ended the call and left you with a big question mark over your head. Curiously you approached your entrance door and unlocked it slowly. With a careful glance, you looked outside, and ... you saw nothing. Then your eyes fell on a small, dark blue box wrapped in a beautiful black satin ribbon, lying neatly on your doormat. Quickly you picked it up and brought it back to your room, carefully inspecting it from all sides. There was a little paper attached to it and you chuckled. Those guys surely liked to leave those handwritten notes behind. But you liked their little messages and kept all of them in a small, wooden box, standing right next to your bed on the nightstand. With a gentle smile, you opened it and read the very familiar handwriting.

I just couldn't stand the thought of you not having this dress.
It looked phenomenal on your beautiful body.
Have fun with Hobi.
Kisses, your Jimin

Oh, this little, sexy, genius, sneaky devil. In awe you caressed over the dark blue satin and the little sparkling stars, thinking back to Ariel and their wonderful boutique Serendipity . You had to go there again soon, you decided, as you picked up the dress and held it on your body in front of the hallways mirror. The fabric gleamed in the dimly lit room and you couldn't wait to try it on. But wait. Wasn't there this problem with the buttons in the back? Just as you inspected the dress, a loud knock came from the door and you flinched, not expecting the sudden disturbance.

With a confused look, you opened the door and looked directly in the widely grinning face of Jimin. He wore a black shirt, tucked in a black pair of tight-fitted trousers with a golden belt.

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