Music in your soul (future)

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The room was quiet, only a dull rhythmic thumping audible. You laid on your back and looked at the dark ceiling, counting the insulation panels sticking onto it. Your feet dangled over the edge of the small sofa and your head was nestled into a fluffy pillow. One of your hands subconsciously moved along with the thumping, your body otherwise relaxed. The large screen standing on the pale wooden tabletop flickered lazily, mixing with the little indirect light spots on the walls and creating a very cozy atmosphere. Sometimes you could hear a soft mumble from the bulky office chair, standing in front of the table. You reached for your iced coffee on the floor, took a big sip, and flipped the page of your book. Then you quickly pushed up your metal-framed glasses, cuddled further into the fluffy pillow, and immersed yourself once again in one of your favorite novels.

"Hey Y/N." A concentrated voice came from the chair and you looked up, not changing your cuddled-up position. The chair turned around and an absent-minded Yoongi appeared. As he spotted you laying on his studio's sofa a loving smile crept on his face. "You look very cozy." He chuckled.

"Hmm.." You yawned. "You know I like your studio the most." Sleepily you blinked at the smiling man.

"Yeah, I know. You fall asleep here often enough." He shook his head with a gentle grin and then patted on his lap, signifying you to come over. "I want to show you something, kitten."

You nodded and slowly stood up, walking over to him and sitting down in his lap. He instantly wrapped his arms around you, laid his head on your shoulder, and turned both of you to the screen.

"What are you working on?" You leaned your elbows on the desk and curiously watched him clicking through some files.

"I had some ideas for the next album." He opened a file named Eudaemonia. "Well, it is more of a surprise ... for Hoseok." He caressed your shoulder nervously, his thought seemingly lost in some other sphere.

"Oh yes. Your tenth anniversary is near, right?" You remembered Hobi talking about it excitedly when you were together in the morning. The weather was very rainy that day, so you decided to sleep in and have an extensive talk-and-cuddle session. It all went well until Jin decided to join you and ... things maybe got a little out of hand. You did more of the cuddling part than the talking part after that. Although both of the men were known to like dirty talk from you, so there was some of it too.

"Yeah." Yoongi interrupted your now very steamy thoughts and a blush crept on your face. But he didn't seem to notice ... lucky you. "I want to give this song to him as a present. It is not finished and I just have a rough idea for the lyrics, but ..."

"Show me, Yeobo. Don't just talk about it." You chuckled and leaned back on him, pressing a quick kiss on his cheek.

"Okay, okay." With a grin he pressed play and the room was suddenly filled with music. It was cheerful, bright, and a little bit funky, a bit like Dynamite or Permission to dance. Full of happy emotions and a dance tune. And it reminded you of the bubbly man with the heart-shaped smile. You could almost picture him dancing along to this song, whirling around in the spacious living room and pulling the others in to move along with him. This thought made you happy and your head started to unconsciously bounce with the beat. Suddenly you had this urge to just move on and quickly wiggled out of Yoongi's grasp. With a chuckle he watched you jumping around in the room, throwing your head to the sides and your hands in the air, your glasses almost falling off of your face.

"You are, yeah you are, pure Eudaemonia!" The chorus was so catchy, you just had to sing along. With a swift motion, you pulled the scrunchie from your hair and let it move freely with your dance motions. You glanced at the amused Yoongi, watching your every move and thumping along with his feet. With some steps you suddenly approached him and took his hands, pulling him to his feet. Confused, he looked at you, but you just smirked.

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