I trusted you - Museum II

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You slowly opened your eyes, your head thumping in pain and your vision blurry. With a groan, you touched your head and tried to straighten up. But your arms gave in immediately and your head started to spin more. In the corner of your eye, you could make out a quick movement and a dark figure, standing on the top stair.

"W...wait..." You weakly said, your voice trembling.

The figure flinched, their eyes widened and you could see that they took some trembling steps backward. You blinked a few times, your vision slowly getting clearer. And suddenly the figure looked familiar. This short black hair, the dark skin, and this striking face ... you would recognize everywhere.

"J-Jane?" You whispered weakly. Your pulse started to race and your motions got hasty, panic flooding up in your body. You managed to stand up, swaying slightly, your eyes closed to suppress the bright lightning of pain, shooting through your head. And when you opened them again, the figure was gone.

"W-what...?" You mumbled weakly. "Was this ... was this real?"

Confused, you turned your head, slowly, trying not to trigger the dizziness too much.

"Y/N?" A concerned voice sounded over to you from your right. "Y/N!"

Someone approached you with quick steps and soon you felt two hands supporting you gently, helping you stand up properly. You looked up to the tall man and relief washed over you.

"Sejin. Thank god."

"Y/N, what happened?" The man with the round glasses and the elegant smoking looked at you with honest concern. "Are you hurt?"

"N...no..." You inhaled deeply and finally managed to open your eyes properly. "At least I don't think so..."

"Come, let's look for someplace to rest for you."

With a determined look, he quickly found a comfortable bench in one corner of the main hall and helped you sit down on it. Then he excused himself with the promise to come back quickly and disappeared into the crowd. Exhausted, you leaned your pulsating head back to the wall and closed your eyes again, reminiscing about the recent events. Could this be? The person you spotted, looking down on you from the stairs and from behind the pillar in the main hall, clearly resembled ... your ex, Jane. She always wore her hair in this particular short curt, with bouncy curls hanging in her striking, angular face. And this muscular, tall body you would recognize anywhere. After all, you once loved it ... and also you once had to defend yourself against it.

"Here. Drink and eat this. Then you should feel better."

You opened one eye and peeked up at the man in front of you, holding out a bottle of water and a plate filled with food.

"Oh, manager mode activated?" A faint chuckle escaped your lips as you grabbed the items and started to munch on the delicious food. The boy's manager sat down next to you and grinned widely.

"After so many years it probably became a habit."

With a satisfied noise, you stuffed a cheese skewer in your mouth, eying the man next to you with an amused glance. "Can't blame you. I get it. In my old town and office, everyone called me the office mum."

"Office mum?" Sejin laughed.

"Yeah." You chuckled along with him. "Not only I was the boss. Bur, I was gladly providing everyone with free food or making sure they were well. Maybe I did ask one time too often, but when you care for people it is more than just pleasantry. You want to make sure they are alright, support them where you can."

"Hmm. I feel you." Sejin leaned back to the wall too, looking over the room. "And look where it got you. A thriving business, successful events, great projects waiting for you in the future. And seven boys totally in awe of you."

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