The words you said

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Thinking back to the conference, everything should be okay, right? If it wasn't for this weird stalker and the fact, that hell broke loose after the announcement of you dating someone. is the situation? What happened after this very intense makeout session with your men? Let's find out, alright?


"Ahhhhh, Y/N!!!!" The loud cry sounded through the huge, open office, sounding beyond joyful. "I can't believe ... We. Are. Here!"

"Haha, me neither, Jae." You said while beaming at the bubbly dark-haired man with the leopard blouse and fitted, black dress pants. His hair was combed back and he wore dangly, golden earrings, complementing the shimmery, yellow eyeshadow he wore, perfectly. "Welcome to Mikrokosmos 2.0!" With a burst of happy laughter, you spread your arms, spun around, and waved at the colorful office, full of cozy booths, nice seating areas, and lots of plants. And those beautiful, enormous shaded windows, overlooking the busy city. It was a cold winter day, the buildings immersed in the pale blue light of the early morning, only interrupted by a warm Christmas light hung up in some windows here and there.

"I am so excited, Y/N. I can't believe it..." Jae instantly pulled you into a hug, the moment he reached you. You only laughed, so happy to see him again. After the conference you took some weeks to organize everything, transferring your company to HYBEs headquarters. And in that time you had sent everyone who was still part of Mikrokosmos on a well-deserved vacation. So, today was the first workday after all this drama. A fresh chapter for your business and company. You couldn't wait.

"A bit too excited for my taste. This puppy..." Suddenly someone mumbled into the room, accompanied by subtle ruffling noises. You eyed the person and observed them, taking off their wool hat and long, brightly-patterned scarf, their dark, shiny hair falling over their shoulder in a beautiful french braid. It was your favorite craftswoman.

"Do-yun!" You called out, managing to loosen Jae's grip around you by slightly tickling him. He backed off with some giggles and quickly went over to his own office, setting you free to approach the mid-aged woman.

"You look beautiful. I love the hairstyle!"

"Oh, thank you." She turned around, her cheeks getting a bit pink and a shy smile on her lips. "My little fairy wanted to look like Elsa from Frozen and insisted, we had to go out the door in partner look today. So..."

"Awww, that's so cute." You cooed, remembering the craftswoman's little, bubbly daughter Layla. You met her when she was dropped off by her dad one day in the old office building. The seven-year-old girl was very talkative, different from the quiet and reserved Do-yun. But there was this immense pride and love in the woman's eyes, every time she looked at her daughter.

"Yeah. I guess..." Do-yun laughed and shrugged, walking next to you over to the area with the manager's offices, which included her brand new, very own one. "So..." With an unsure look, she glanced over to you. "Tell me. What happened after the conference? We almost heard nothing from you. And the press didn't seem to catch you outside either."

"Well..." You sighed, staring down the long hallway, a frown on your face. "That's because I wasn't outside. I stayed home the whole time."

"Oh...why?" Your coworker made a surprised sound and stopped, looking at you with wide eyes. "I mean after the conference matters seemed to be settled, for now...."

"Hm..." The sound you made was something between pensive and dissatisfied. Maybe frustrated. "Yeah. That's not the problem."

"So, what is it?" She asked again. Calm and with a warm tone in her voice. This was very different from the time you first met her. When she was only interested in work-related things, private business was always off the plate. It made you happy, despite this frustration inside of you.

Living in your universe - BTS OT7 x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin