Are you up for it?

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"Y/N!" You looked up from your computer and into the smiling face of Ji-ho.
She was one of the new employees you hired for the new office. She was a very talented young seamstress and designer in general. Along with her, you hired Sang-hoon, a local photographer and web designer, fresh out of school but very skilled. And Do-Yun, a single mother and craftswoman, with a good eye for interior design. They all were very friendly and very creative. While Ji-ho was more of a chatty and louder person, the other two were quieter. But the few weeks you all worked together really showed that you were an awesome team. As it turned out your work around the world wasn't as unheard of as you thought and you gained very quickly some interesting projects to work on. There was a campaign for a local fashion magazine with complete creative freedom, from the clothes onto the shooting sets. A small fashion label asked you to co-design the new collection. And a museum wanted to have an event planned by your agency. So your hands were full, the moment you hired the three people and you immediately got started on planning all of the projects.

"Y/N!" Ji-ho walked to your office desk and sat down on the green velvet chair in front of it. She crossed her legs elegantly over one another, accentuating her stylish colorful patterned legging. "Good news. Do-yun finished the backdrop for the fashion campaign. It looks great!" She scrolled through her tablet to look up the designs.

You smiled, as you really liked her motivating attitude. You waited patiently, as she finally found the pictures and turned the tablet around so that you could look at them.

"Hmm. Nice." You nodded approvingly. The backdrop consisted of a lush jungle scene with different flowers, plants, and velvet fabrics. Rich berry tones met blue and green. Light feathers met dark slate. You liked the contrast.

"It will look nice with the clothes, Ji-ho." You smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up.

"Yeah, right?" She nodded excitedly. The clothes will be a mix of vintage silhouettes from the renaissance and modern patterns and fabrics. Blouses with wide arms, heavier brocade skirts, and coats, paired with some neon accents and a little bit of spice. The fashion magazine liked our concept since it was fresh and not something seen in this area before.

You looked over the backdrop once again.

"Hmmm... maybe we could add some neon lights, to really bring out the accents in the clothing as well?" You scratched your chin and looked at Ji-ho with a questioning look.

"Oh, that would fit." Ji-ho quickly took some notes. "Maybe I could speak to Do-Yun and she could create some lights in the shapes of some of the backdrop elements. Like this plant, or this flower."

"Oh, I love that!" You were very enthusiastic about the good ideas your team brought up. You chatted with Ji-ho about the other projects, throwing some ideas around and refining some of the steps, which will have to be done in the next few days.

"So, please talk to Sang-hoon about the layout of the art galleries brochure. The rough design should be ready in a few days. And please call our fabric supplier and ask if they can send me some patterns for the other fashion collection. You know, the ones I send you via email?"

Ji-ho nodded along while taking notes. Then she stood up with a big smile just as your phone started ringing. She saluted and with a wink, she was out of your office.

You searched for your phone and found it lying next to your precious coffee maker. You must have forgotten it there this morning, as you brewed your first coffee. You checked the caller ID and were surprised to see the name "Taehyung" flashing furiously on the screen.

Alongside your new daily life, you often chatted with the boys. Jimin and Taehyung invited you to a group chat just moments after ending the call, the other night. They also added the other members and most of them welcomed you with open arms. Some more openly than the others. But since their and your schedule was tight, the chat mostly consisted of small talk. Some pictures here and there, some questions about your work. Nothing substantial. After all, you only met Taehyung in person and Jimin over video. But you did not expect anything much. You were busy yourself after all.

So you were really happy to see Taehyungs name on the screen.

"Tae, hi!" You happily greeted the man.

"Y/N. How are you?" His deep voice always sends little sparks all around your body. It was nerve-wracking. The late-night calls and little morning text over the last few weeks were more than confusing. You enjoyed the time, talking about everything. But you could swear that he sometimes flirted with you. And Jimin was the same! Long talks, muffled chuckles, and heart-to-heart conversations. And those damn flying kisses. You video chatted quite a bit with both of them, sometimes even the three of you. And always with this tension in the air...

"Good, really. The office is busy and the coworkers are wonderful." You sighed happily. "I really can concentrate on the most important tasks and don't feel too overwhelmed by everything. Plus the first office just landed a big project to plan my hometown's biggest event and it is all taken care of by my amazing team back there."
You grinned proudly, as you looked at the framed picture hanging on the wall in your office. On it you could see the team from the first office, standing in front of their building, with you in the middle, all cheering for the camera. It was taken at your farewell party, one night before you flew off to Korea. You always traveled a lot, sometimes with parts of your team, but you have always returned home. So it was a little shock for them, that you decided to settle in a new home, so many hours away. But they were proud and you knew, the office would be in wonderful hands. Besides, you were still the overall CEO and your manager there consulted you on their decisions. But still, you missed them. They were kind of your second family.

"That is good to hear." His words didn't reach you. Silence graced the line, as you were stuck in your thoughts and staring at the picture. "I know... you miss them." His voice sounded sad.

"Yeah...but I love my new life here." You inhaled and turned around to look out of the window, onto the park and the river. "And my new friends."

That brought him to chuckle and you were thankful that his sad voice was gone. Just like your sentimental mood was gone too.

"Yeah. Your friends are awesome." You could almost see his mischievous grin. "That brings me to my issue."

"Yeah?" You asked curiously.

"So we have the rest of the day off and the guys finally want to meet you." He chuckled. "And they made it clear that they couldn't wait any longer, so..."

"I have no choice but to obey?" You laughed over his words.

"Yeah, sorry not sorry." We both laughed. Then his voice got softer. "But only if you want, Y/N."

"Yeah, I would love to." You smiled excitedly. Finally, you got to meet the whole band. "And they really wanted to meet me so eagerly?" You were a little confused. The group chat was very quiet and they didn't seem to show much interest.

"Oh yeah. No worries." He laughed loudly. "They didn't want to overwhelm you before you even got a chance to meet them. And trust me, some of them can do that very well."

"Being overwhelming?" You chuckled.

"Yeah. Or noisy, or persistent. Call it what you want." He laughed quietly. "So, are you up for it?"

"Yeah, why not?"

- - -

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