Move your body

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Dull music waved through the long hallway, echoing from the crisp white walls and smooth marble floor, mixing with the sound of your steps. You looked down on your phone, trying to make sense of the wild route description Tae gave you yesterday. How the hell are you supposed to find anything in this enormous labyrinth called HYBE headquarters? Even if the nice lady from the reception gave you a vague idea of your way, you quickly got lost between grey doors, endless staircases, and many elevators. With a sigh you let your sight wander over the hallway, checking out the little, white letters on the doors. There was even a door with the inscription "Genius lab" and a very funny doormat with the words "go away" on it. Somehow you had an idea to whom the studio could belong and with a grin, you took a photo and posted it in the group chat with the guys.

Y/N: This has to be Yoongis, right? xD

With a chuckle you put your phone back and continued to search for this 'studio 8' Tae had written about. As you walked around the next corner the music got louder and you heard agitated voices, mixing with the heavy beat. Suddenly a dark, metal door busted open and a very angry-looking Namjoon stormed out of it. You flinched, the loud noise startling you and you looked at the intensely cursing man with a confused look. He wore long black trainers, a tight HYBE shirt, and a black beanie. Sweat was streaming down his face and he panted heavily. With quick steps he walked down the hallway, past you, not noticing you looking at him with wide eyes. He stomped around the corner you just came from and some moments later you heard a door being thrown.

"What the...?" You said quietly. But were interrupted by another person punching the poor metal door open and stomping into the hallway. It was Hoseok, dressed in a pair of short trainers and an oversized tank top. The door fell shut as he started to walk in your direction with his eyes fixed on the floor, muttering curses. This time you didn't want to let the moment just pass by, so you walked towards him with quick steps. In the last second, just as he looked up, you pulled him into a warm hug and his eyes widened with a pleasant surprise.

"Sunshine. You are here." He whispered.

"Hey, Hobi." With a smile, you felt his instant reaction, his head resting on your shoulder and his arms clenching tightly around you. Somehow you felt he needed this now, so you hugged him back with the same force, his sweaty body pressed onto yours.
"Stressed?" You let your hands caress over his back, your fingers trying to soothe him.

"A bit." He sighed and slowly straightened up, his arms still wrapped around you. "But it helps me to see your beautiful smile, my sun." His eyes started to gleam and a little bit of the cheerful Hobi you knew emerged to the surface. With a grin you let your finger grace over his temple, your eyes locking with his.

"Your sun?"

He chuckled with a low voice. "Yes. My sun."

You shook your head lovingly, your eyes fixed on his, green orbs staring into brown ones.

"So, tell me." You took his hand in yours, your brows furrowed. "What happened? A very angry-looking Namjoon just rushed past me. I didn't know he could look that pissed."

Hoseok sighed deeply. "Well, we just rehearsed a new choreography and he - -"

"Yah! Hobi! Come back!" Suddenly Jimin's voice sounded from the studio and Hoseok closed his eyes, the tired look back at his face. With a gentle smile, you looked at him and squeezed his hand. "Tell me later, Aein. Let's get back to the others. I will be by your side and everything will work out just fine, I am sure."

His face lit up, his eyes sparkling with newfound energy and he nodded. Then he took your hand and opened the large metal door, pulling you into the room. The large dance studio had black walls and a shiny wooden floor. Little spots on the ceiling illuminated the room evenly and one wall was completely mirrored. The boys stood and sat around the room, seemingly in some kind of formation. Jin had his hand propped up on his hips, looking at the door with a concerned expression. Tae and Jungkook stood next to each other, talking quietly and with furrowed brows. Yoongi sat on the floor, panting heavily, with Jimin squatting next to him, staring into the air with a tense face. The whole atmosphere was pent-up with frustration and tiredness and you slightly flinched, walking right into it.

Living in your universe - BTS OT7 x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora