Dark days and rays of light - Wings

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It broke out of you. You couldn't stop it. The person immediately turned around, seemingly torn back and forth between following the culprit or running over to you, making sure you were safe. He chose the second option. With tears running down your face you finally reached him and sunk into a warm, comforting hug. The hug you yearned for desperately the last days.

"Yoongi...hm...Yoongi.." You mumbled passionately. Your nose was buried into his old leather jacket, taking in the scent of his freshly colored hair mixed with the bitter leather and his usual fresh pine cologne.
"Kitten..." His voice was nothing more than a whisper, when he pulled his arms around you closer, slightly lifting you from the ground and swaying you around. "I have missed you so much ... so ... so much ...." His hands gently caressed your lower back, his lips leaving ghostly kisses on your skin. "And I am ... s-sorry Y/N. So sorry. For leaving, for not speaking with you, for being such an idiot. For trying to do something, that hurt us both."

"M-me too." Tears streamed down your face, the last damn broken, your heart overflowing with joy, seeing him well and at your side. "Cant stand ... you not being ... home." A smile turned on your lips as you pressed yourself further into him.

"I ...." He gently backed off, his hands grasping your face gently, his forehead pressing on yours. "I really thought after our talk at the museum, I was going to be fine. That this decision, to not get too close to you was a good one. But I..." He groaned quietly, his lips only some inches away from yours, looking so tempting... "I was so dumb, kitten. And want to be friends with you, yes. But I want so so much more than that." You thought he would close off the distance, press his lips on yours, devour you. Finally. But to your surprise he suddenly stopped, his eyes gleaming with an unreadable expression. Was it sadness? Pain? Uncertainty? No. It was ... trust.

"I can't promise you, that I never will do this again, kitten. I have so many doubts, so many shadows and monsters in my mind. But I ... I will promise you this. I will try. I will try and fight it because I know now ... I can't live without you being near me. Being in my life. I have....tried.." He sighed, closing his eyes. "I tried to stay away from you. But it made me miserable. It was so dark and lonely in my mind these last days...."

A quiet sob rippled through your body when you pressed a soft kiss on the man's nose. "W-we were too, Yoongs. Without you, this is no home. We all missed you so much. A-and ... and I ... I want to be with you. I ... I am not scared of your monsters. I have them too. So ... so let's do this together."
Gently you lifted his head and leaned forward, pressing your lips on his. Hungrily. You needed to make him understand, that you didnt want to wait anymore. Didn't want him to be just a friend anymore. He hesitated, just for a split second. His hands trembled and you felt him, slightly back off. But only this one second. And then he gave in, his head pushing forward, his hands pulling you closer and closer.

"Hmm...kitten....love...sweet..." He mumbled, between the feverish kisses, his voice indicating, that he was far gone. The kiss made you feel alive. This kiss lets you forget all the stress from the last days, all the problems and hardships you overcame. It made you ... whole. His hand roamed all over your body, worshipping your curves, sneaking under the thick wool coat. Silent moans spilled over your lips, mixing with the little gasps and sighs the rapper gave off. You felt his teeth gracing over your lips, gently nibbling on them, his body pressed to yours, his rapidly beating heart hammering on your chest. All your senses were flooded with him. Your body finally feeling alive again. His sweet scent made you dizzy, his hungry lips made you want more and more. Longing, to lose yourself in him and his gentle touches. His hands slipped down your back until they found their target, adding a delicious pressure to your ass, massaging it gently. And he seemed to really like it, based on the slight twitches you felt on your thighs.

"Hmm..." He groaned, backing off slowly but with hesitation. When you looked up, you saw the longing in his eyes. And the fire, burning behind them. But you knew, you had to stop. Making out on an open street maybe wasn't the best thing to do right now. "We have to ... to ..."

"Stop. I know... I know." With a chuckle, you leaned back, his arms still wrapped around you. Your eyes got lost in each other, your hearts testing out, feeling the connection you had to one another. And then you spoke. Quietly. Softly. "Hm...what now...?" Your breathless question flew out into the night, the moon above you illuminating his mint green hair beautifully.

"Let's do this properly, Y/N. I want to stay with my idea and take my time. Especially in terms of intimacy." He chuckled and you grinned widely, his hands grasping yours tighter. "I need to learn some things, need to figure out some things. To fight this jealousy for example. Or how to bring my lust and my feelings in harmony. I want to do this right, kitten. I owe it to you. Owe it to me and the others."

"Sooo...." You smiled, your eyes slowly wandering over his beautiful face, taking in his pale, elegant skin and features. "How about we go on some dates? Get to know each other, but ... more romantically this time?"

"Yeah. Sounds good." Happily, he nodded, walking up to you and wrapping one of his arms around your waist. "But now, let's get back to the others and tell them about..." He stopped, his face twisting into a frown. "Wait..." His head turned to you, a serious and tense expression on it. "How could we forget?! We have to tell them about this stalker, Y/N! They had a knife, I saw it clearly!"

"God, you are right..." Startled, you looked down at him. "I was just so happy to see you, that I totally forgot... Let's ... let's get back home quickly, Yoongi. We have to make a plan, tell Sang-hoon and the police."

"Yeah. But don't worry, we will protect you, no matter what. No one will lay their hands on you when BTS is behind your back." His face came nearer again and he pressed his chapped lips on your temple softly, determination on his face. "Let's go home, kitten."

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