Dark days and rays of light - First love

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You yawned, stretching out your limps and lazily looking around in the dimly-lit room. It was still dark outside, a pitch-black void wavering in front of your bedroom window, the small BT21 night lamp standing on the coffee table next to your green reading chair, illuminating the outlines of your room in a soft blue tone. You were in your bed, wearing a comfortable blue pajama set with little TinyTan Jins printed on it. You weren't sure at what point you switched into this, but it felt really good. The last few hours were a mushy blur of smaller moments, you couldn't place just now. Jimin waking you up, Kookie joining you with a tray of wonderful food, the three of you eating together, sleep. Someone cuddling with you, whispering sweet words full of love in your ear, tickling you with long, wavy hair. Sleep. The door opening from time to time, soft voices quietly talking with one another. Small kisses pressed on your forehead. Sleep. And now? You took one moment to hear into the room and suddenly you heard soft snoring next to you. Surprised, you turned around and spotted a figure, cuddled up under the blanket. No, wait. Two figures. A mop of wavy hair peeked up from under the covers, a relaxed face pressed into a very broad, very uncovered chest, of someone with blueish-grey hair.

"Hey, Tae. Hey, Joon." You whispered quietly, knowing that your words wouldn't wake them up. It was cute, how serene they looked, cuddled up together. Namjoon had his arms wrapped around the younger man's body, his chin laying on the others head.

"You are too cute..." You mumbled, still a bit sleepy, but with a smile. Suddenly you heard another noise, waving very faintly into the room, coming from behind your door. It was a piano, being played very softly.

The melody was beyond beautiful. There was a longing, a certain loneliness in it. But it mesmerized you, touched your heart, setting off shivers running down your spine. Carefully you stood up, crawled out of the bed, and quietly approached the door. When you opened it, the heavy chords, fading away into the darkness, caressed over your skin, the spell of the one playing this piece, capturing your heart and soul. It was like you were drawn to it. As if ... it called out for you. You walked into the dark and quiet hallway, leaving your room behind, trying to find out the direction, where it came from. You listened into the darkness, closing your eyes, letting the soft notes guide you. Ah ... the living room. You had to go there. With every step you took, the melody got louder, got faster. The pace changed, the tone changed. Now it was more ... desperate. Like a voice calling out to you ... much louder. Your heart started to beat very fast and that longing, to be near this someone, to tell them that everything is going to be alright, was almost unbearable.

The floor under your bare feet was cold, as you quickly walked past the black and blue-tinted walls, the little specks of light, dancing through the air, coming from the nighttime city of Seoul. The house almost felt empty, only this faint music, wavering into this tranquility, piercing through the darkness with heavy emotions. Your mind still felt tired, as you staggered along the hallway, supporting yourself on the smooth surface of the walls. Every time you stopped, you closed your eyes for one second, trying to grasp more of the melody, almost scared for it to go away. For this unsettling emotion inside of you, to disappear.

When you entered the dark living room, the melody picked up its pace again, a row of notes pouring from one corner of the room over to you. The pianist was bent over the instrument, small groans and gasps coming from him, his forehead leaning to the piano's surface. His blonde hair was messy, shimmering in the pale moonlight, falling through the window, right next to him. The black, oversized hoodie he wore, slipped down his shoulder, uncovering his glowing skin. It was a sight that burned into your mind forever. He looked so vulnerable. So lonely. So deep in his thought. You didnt know it your heart twisted in pain, in love, or both. You just stood there, listened to the melody, to this desperate, moving serenade, stunned, not able to do or say anything. But after all this drama and stress, this moment felt ... real. And genuine. Raw. It was the first time seeing the real Yoongi, the side he barely let out. The passionate musician, the emotional lover, the desperate, old soul, just longing for someone to hold him, keep him safe. To tell him, that everything is going to be alright.

And then, suddenly. The music stopped, leaving behind a haunting silence, breaking the spell that kept you from moving. Your breath hitched, the air flowing into your lungs, this urge to be next to him, crashing into your mind again. And then you moved. Slowly you approached him, scared to frighten him. He was still leaning over the piano, his hands hovering over the keys, slightly trembling. His breathing was going fast, you could hear it.

When you reached him, you didnt think twice. You just did, what felt natural for you. With a sigh you gently got to your knees, wrapping your arms around him from behind, burying your face into his neck. He didn't flinch, didn't jump. He didnt say anything. You just sat there, behind him, feeling his chest moving, his heart beating. You just ... existed. Together. The moonlight fell down on you, immersing his skin and your body into a soft, white light. Little specks of dust flew through the air, swirled around each other, like an endless dance. You closed your eyes and inhaled his fresh, piney scent. This feeling, this hard to suppress emotion, washed over you and you instantly felt secure. Felt like home. You felt safe, shielded from all the evil of the world. He was like an anchor, bonding you to this reality, helping your mind not to slip away too far.

And suddenly ... he moved. He turned around with a quick motion, so fast, you didnt even know what was happening. And when you opened your eyes again, you looked into a softly, shimmering pair of brown orbs. Watery. Exhausted. Overwhelmed. Gentle. Trails of tears were showing on his face, his lips slightly open, his breath almost visibly running over them. He lifted his hand and gently stroked your face, tracing the outlines of it softly. He didnt say anything. He just looked at you. He just touched you. Observed you closely. Almost like he was ... waiting.

You inhaled slowly, your chest rising, your heart beating loudly. Letting this unbearable feeling flood your body and mind, letting it take over control. And then you smiled, leaning into his touch, knowing what he had asked you, ever so silently. What he told you with his eyes, with this song.

His lips were so gentle when they pressed onto yours. This was completely different from the first kiss you shared. The first was full of desperate passion, a certain hunger. The hunger he was scared would sabotage his feelings for you. No, this was pure emotion. This kiss was him, showing you his soul, laying it bare for you. This kiss was an expression of something, both of you couldn't quite grasp at this moment, but both of you knew existed. This kiss was ... a promise.

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