Four - Sneaky Interrogation

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~ Kellins POV ~

Im really starting to fall for DeeDee. She's absolutely beautiful and she's so shy and sweet, she also gets along great with kids which is always a plus. And she looks good in hats! My hats to be exact. That reminds me: she still has my hat on her head. Oh well, she can keep it. It looked better on her anyway. Im going to try and get Monica alone so I can ask her about DeeDee. I need to know more about her. I've never had so much fun with a girl in my entire life than I did with DeeDee in the park today. I loved the way she blushed and enjoyed my flirtatious actions.

When we arrive back at my moms place, which Im temporarily staying in while Im in the state, the girls both run up to Harpers room. I gently place Monicas bag at the top of the stairs before going to speak to my mom in the kitchen.
"Hey mom!" I say chirpily.
She turns away from the pan and smiles at me "Hey Kellin!"
I lean against the counter "Harper has a friend over, her name is Monica, she has an amazing older sister thats around my age and I really like her. I was wondering if you could force Harper to have a bath so that I can talk to Monica alone and ask about her sister?"
My mom smiles "Is she a special girl?"
I nod frantically "Very special, to me anyway. She's not had a very good life as far as I can tell. She's beautiful, funny, shy, sweet and understands my sense of humour."
My mom laughs "So she's sick minded then?"
I gasp in mock hurt "Not all of my humour is sick mom!"
She raises an eyebrow at me "Riiiight!"
I roll my eyes "Whatever. Look, can you do this favour for me? Pleeaase?"
She sighs and turns to face me "I guess I have no choice if you like her so much. Sure, I'll go tell Harper she has to have a bath now ok?"
I hug her "Thanks mom! I'll continue cooking until you come back down."
My mother stops me "No offence Kellin but you cant cook and Im not letting you anywhere near this food until its on a plate. You go and tell Harper I said she has to have a bath."
I laugh "Ok, thanks mom!" I say before running upstairs to Harpers room. I knock on the door lightly and walk inside to see them both dancing to Go Go Go. I stand in the doorway and smile at them. Monica notices me first and blushes before tapping Harper lightly, Harper stops dancing and notices me as well. They both start giggling and blushing. I laugh "That was some amazing dancing girls! Harper, mom says you have to go have a bath now."
Harper pouts "But whyyyy!?!"
I shrug "Dont ask me, moms orders! Now go get yourself in the tub and I'll hang with Monica for a bit, if she wants me to?"
Monica nods shyly "Sure!" She says quietly. Harper sighs and makes her way to the bathroom. I sit on Harpers other chair, opposite Monica, and smile at her.
"So, I actually asked my mom if she could make Harper have a bath." I admit.
Monica gives me a confused look "Why?"
I chuckle "Because I wanted to talk to you...about DeeDee."
She smiles and nods "Ok, what do you wanna know?"
Im thoughtful for a second "Whats your and her life story?"
She blinks a few times before answering. "Umm my dad is on drugs, I dont know which drugs, but everyday he comes home with new needle marks in his arms. He's always very angry and he hurts DeeDee all the time. She protects me and doesnt let him hurt me, he barely knows Im there. My mom left my dad on DeeDee's 13th birthday because he hit her. She never dreamed he would hit us and thought he would get better without her there. Then, 6 years ago, she gave him another chance. She slept with him in some hotel and then realised he hadnt changed, 9 months later I showed up on the doorstep with a note stuck to me, explaining to DeeDee who I was and that she had to look after me. The only reason she still lives with my dad is because of me, she wants to protect me." She explains.
I nod in understanding "You poor girls! Im so sorry you had to go through that!"
She nods and suddenly snaps up with a huge smile on her face "My turn to ask you a question now!"
I laugh "Ok, ask away!"
She smiles cheekily "I know what my sister thinks of you, what do you think of her?"
I blush slightly "I-I umm...I...I really really like her...I think she's perfect..."
She claps excitedly and squeals "I knew it I knew it I knew it!"
I smile "What does she think of me then?"
She giggles "I cant say, its a secret, she told me exactly how she feels about you in the park today."
I raise an eyebrow "Whats stopping you telling me?
She smiles "Secrets shared with sisters stay between sisters, thats the rule!"
I laugh "Who made that up?"
"DeeDee!" She explains.
I chuckle "I guess we have to obey that rule then dont we. Any other questions you want to ask me?"
She's thoughtful for a moment "Not really. I only have one more thing to say: you're a really good singer and I love your bands music!"
I smile warmly at her "Thank you!"
Suddenly Harper bursts in wearing nothing but a towel "I washed as quickly as I could! What did I miss!?!"
I wink at Monica and she giggles "Oh nothing!" She says to Harper. I laugh and stand up before walking to my room. I wonder how DeeDee feels about me. I wonder if she feels the same way I do about her. I hope so. I really like her, maybe even love her, and after hearing about her life I like her more because she cares and loves Monica so much that she's stayed for years to look after her and protect her. She's so perfect.

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