Two - New Friends

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I look up from my mothers iPod to see Monica talking to a girl of a similar age to her. They seem to be getting along pretty well. I smile, if only I could make friends as easily as Monica. Unfortunately I'm shy and incredibly anti-social so its almost impossible for me to make friends. The girl Monica is talking to appears to be considerably taller than little Monica. Monica is small for her age so everybody assumes she's younger than she really is. She got all of moms looks though, brown hair and big blue eyes. Sure, I have those too but she looks so pretty. I'm ugly as all hell and it sucks. I've never had a boyfriend and the only people I've ever felt love from are Monica and my mom. So basically now I'm surviving on the love from a 6 year old alone.

The girl grabs Monicas hand and they run down the climbing frame together, towards a man who looks around my age. He has long black hair and I can't tell from this distance if his eyes are blue or green. I can, however, say he is extremely good looking. Monica is introduced to the man and he shakes her little hand. Monica turns around and points at me with a smile on her face. The girl and the man both look at me with smiles on their faces too. I smile and give a small wave. The man says something that causes Monica to smile widely at him before running over to me. The man shouts "No! Stop! Don't tell her I said that!" But its too late, Monica is already close to me. She stands directly in front of me and the man covers his face with his hands. Monica's new friend comes and stands beside Monica.
"This is Harper, she's 7." Monica says, pointing to the girl beside her. "And that's her big brother Kellin." She points to the man on the other side of the park. "Kellin said he thought you were really beautiful!" Monica says excitedly.
I giggle and stand up in front of Harper before taking a small bow. "Its a pleasure to meet you Princess Harper!" I say loudly. Then we all laugh and I sit back down again. Kellin has removed his hands from his face and is smiling widely at me. I blush. "And as for what Kellin said, well, he doesn't look too bad himself. He actually looks pretty good. Wait, did I say that out loud!?!"
Harper nods and squeals "Let's go tell my brother what she said!"
I shake my head frantically "No, no, no, no, no, no!" But its too late, they're running towards him. I facepalm and blush like an idiot. This is probably the most embarrassing thing my sister has ever done to me, ever. I look over at Kellin to see him laughing. He looks over at me and tips his hat in my direction. I smile and place a hand on my head. Dammit. I'm not wearing a hat. I shrug at him and he laughs. I point a finger in the air and stand up before bowing in his direction. He laughs hysterically as I sit back down on my swing. Then he looks down at Monica and whispers something in her ear. She comes running back to me and stands by my ear.
"Kellin says he thinks you're extremely beautiful and he likes you already. He also asks if I would like to have a sleepover at Harpers house, which he said you're welcome to join." She whispers.
I turn around and whisper in her ear "Tell him I said that's very kind of him and I like him too. As for the sleepover yes, you can go, we'll have to run back home quickly to grab you some clothes though. I won't be able to come, because of dad." I sigh.
Monica hugs me "Don't let him hurt you! Please DeeDee!" She starts tearing up.
I pick her up and put her on my lap, she snuggles into my hoodie. "Hey Monnie, don't cry, you're going on your first ever sleepover! You've got a new friend! Shhh. I'll be OK honey, don't worry." I rock her backwards and forwards in my arms like a baby.
Kellin stands up and holds Harpers hand before walking towards me. He sits on the swing beside me "Is she OK? What's wrong?" He asks worriedly.
I kiss her hair lightly "She wants to go to the sleepover but she doesn't want to leave me." I say softly.
Kellin smiles "You could stay over too if you want?"
I shake my head "I'd love to but my father say the least."
Kellin raises an eyebrow "He'll let Monica go but not you?"
"Monica is my responsibility. I don't let him do anything for her. Unfortunately he is my biological father and there for legal guardian so I have to do what he says. He won't notice Monica is gone because I always keep her hidden away from him. If I was gone he would definitely notice and when I returned home things would be extremely unpleasant for me." I sniffle slightly.
Kellin looks at me with a confused expression "How would things be unpleasant for you?"
I lift the sleeve of my hoodie to reveal some of the bruises my father gave me "Don't tell anyone, please. I protect Monica with my life, he never touches her because I don't let him. She's the only reason I'm still in that house, I'm only staying to protect her."
Kellin gasps "Oh my god! He did that to you!?!"
I nod "Yeah...he's a frequent drug user..."
"Why do you stay with him!?!" Kellin asks curiously.
"Because of Monica." I reply.
Kellin is thoughtful for a moment "Couldn't you run away with her?"
I nod "I was planning to do that someday. I'm just waiting for my father to kick me out of the house, that way I know he won't come looking for me."
Kellin nods "I'm so sorry you're having to go through this."
I shake my head "Its fine, to be honest I can't exactly get depressed about it now."
Kellin raises an eyebrow "How come?"
I smile "Well 1) Because I'm used to it by now and 2) Because I got called beautiful for the first time in my life about 5 minutes ago."
Kellin chuckles "I'm glad I'm useful for something!"
I playfully punch his arm "Oh shush you I bet you're plenty useful!"
Kellin laughs "For what?"
I giggle "Well if for nothing else you're good at standing around and looking good, that counts for something right?"
Kellin laughs "I don't know about looking good..."
I laugh "Shut up dude, seriously, you can't deny that you're good looking! You just can't!"
Kellin smiles "If that's the case then you can't deny you are beautiful!"
I shake my head "Now that's different, you aren't covered from head to toe in bruises like I am!"
Kellin winks at me "How do you know, you haven't seen me naked!"
I laugh "How do you know I'm beautiful, you haven't seen me naked!"
Kellin laughs "Because you have a beautiful face and personality!"
I laugh sarcastically "Right, uh huh, because that's legit."
Suddenly a loud booming voice is heard, making me and Kellin jump. Monica hides behind me. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT OF THE HOUSE!?!?!" My father shouts.
I stand up and put my head down "Sorry dad..."
"IM GOING DOWN TO THE SHOPS, I'LL BE GONE AT LEAST AN HOUR, GO BACK HOME AND STAY THERE!!!" He shouts before storming down the road.
Kellin looks thoroughly enraged "Cover the princesses ears." I cover Monica's ears and he covers Harpers "What a fucking asshole!" Kellin exclaims before releasing Harpers ears.
I laugh "I know right! Anyway, I'm gonna go home quickly and grab Monica's stuff for the sleepover. Can you stay here and watch her for me?"
Kellin nods "Of course, be quick."
I nod back in reply "Well they don't call me Insane Bolt for nothing!" I wink at him.
He bursts out laughing "Who calls you that!?!"
I place a finger on my chin "Err nobody because this-" I signal down at myself "-is not built for running!"
Kellin wiggles his eyebrows "What is it built for then?"
I'm thoughtful for a second "Its built for being King For A Day! Wow. I've listened to my moms iPod for a whole 10 minutes and I'm already making references." I facepalm.
Kellin laughs "You like Sleeping With Sirens?"
I nod "Yeah. I don't know what any of the members look like though, I live a life without internet so I can't watch music videos or interviews online OR look up pictures of them so they are the band without faces right now."
Kellin laughs "Well the lead singer features in the song King For A Day, so you must know his name at least!"
I go onto my moms iPod and find it "Kellin...Quinn...haha, that's a pretty cool name."
Kellin laughs "Thank you!"
I freeze "Hold on. What!?!"
Kellin winks at me "My last name is Quinn."
My jaw drops "You're the lead singer of Sleeping With Sirens!?!"
Kellin laughs and nods "The one and only!"
I facepalm "And I just did a reference to one of the songs you feature in. Good job me." I laugh before walking back to the house from hell.

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