Nine - Take It Slow

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~ Kellins POV ~

I dont think I've ever been happier. The girl I love just kissed me and told me she loved me too, thats the best feeling in the world.

~ Next Morning ~

I stir from my peaceful sleep when I feel something stroke my cheek lightly. I open my eyes to reveal Dee lying next to me, smiling widely, with her hand on my cheek.
"Morning Kels, I hope I didnt wake you." She says softly.
I shake my head and nuzzle into her hand "Its fine, goodmorning beautiful!"
She giggles and blushes "Aww Kels you're too sweet!" She turns serious "So, I've been thinking..."
I raise an eyebrow "About what?"
"Us..." She says quietly.
I smile "And...?"
She clears her throat "I dont want to move too fast. I love you but I dont want to rush anything. I think we should just be really good friends for now, so we can get to know eachother better. You never know, you might get put off by something I say or do and had we rushed things you'd have to break up with me so at least now you wont have to..."
"Nothing you say or do could ever out me off. I love you too. I understand, dont worry. Im happy to get to know you more. Perfection cant be rushed, after all." I wink at her.
She giggles and nods, biting her lip "Im really sorry if I offended you by saying that, I didnt mean to..."
I shake my head "No, you didnt at all. Sure, I'd rather be your official boyfriend but I can wait."
She snuggles into me "Thanks for being so understanding Kels. I've never had any kind of relationship with anyone before so Im nervous."
My jaw drops "You've never had a boyfriend before!?!"
She shakes her head and blushes, burying her face in my chest "Im already putting you off me arent I?"
I shake my head and wrap my arms around her "No, I just cant believe no guy has ever had feelings for you. You're incredibly beautiful and so lovable. I dont know how any guy has resisted you until now!"
She giggles "Well clearly I am only those things to you. Thanks for the compliments by the way Kels, that means so much coming from you."
I kiss her hair lightly "Im sure plenty of other guys would feel the same about you if they met you and you're welcome."
She snuggles closer to me "I dont think I can survive just good friends, best friends?"
I laugh "Sure, for now!"

~ DeeDee's POV ~

A few seconds of silence pass before Kellins door swings open.
"DEEDEE!?!?!?" Monica exclaims.
"Hey princess!" I laugh.
She runs and jumps on Kellins bed, pulling me into a hug. "I missed you DeeDee!"
I kiss her cheek lightly "I missed you too hun. Now, whats all this about you telling Kellin that secret I told you hmm?"
She giggles "He told me he felt the same way so I told him so that you 2 could fall inlove and get married! Have you both fallen inlove yet and are you getting married?"
Kellin laughs "Well Im definitely inlove with her and I'd happily marry her."
Monica squeals "YAY!!! What about you DeeDee?"
I smile slightly "I love Kellin too but I dont want to rush things. Me and him are just best friends for now."
Monica gasps "YOU FRIENDZONED HIM!?!?!"
I laugh and Kellin pouts, nodding "She did!"
Monica is thoughtful for a second "Right. Im going to have to sort this. I gotta go plan something with Harper so that you guys can both fall inlove and get married." She jumps off the bed and runs back to Monicas room.
I turn to Kellin "Really dude? You got my own sister on your side?"
Kellin laughs and shrugs "She thinks we're perfect and so do I."
I raise my eyebrow "And you're inlove with me huh?"
Kellin blushes "I-I umm...yeah..."
I smile at him and hug him "Awwwww Kels you're too cute!"
Kellin chuckles and wraps his arms around me again "When do you wanna go get your stuff?"
Im thoughtful for a second "Whats the time?"
Kellin checks his phone "Around 9am, why?"
I tap my chin and nod "Dad will still be out partying and taking various drugs. We could go now. I've got several duffel bags under my bed, I only have to put my stuff inside them. I'll also have to organize my stuff so that certain things go in certain bags. The stuff that I dont need to unpack until I have my own place can stay in bags, I should only have my clothes that I need right now." A sudden realisation hits me "I have no clothes. What am I supposed to wear now!?!" I start panicking.
Kellin smiles "You can borrow one of my shirts, I have plenty."
I kiss his cheek "Thanks Kels, you're a lifesaver, quite literally!"
Kellin chuckles and we both stand up, walking over to his closet. He holds out his arm "Take your pick, I dont mind which one you take."
I smile and start flicking through his clothes. I raise an eyebrow "You have good fashion sense dude!"
Kellin laughs "Thanks, Im quite the fashionista!"
I giggle and wink at him "I dont doubt you are!" Before finding a grey fleecy sweater. I pull it over my head. Its a little baggy but I love it. I pull a hand through my hair and style it as best I can without a mirror and a hairbrush before turning back to Kellin. He smiles "You look beautiful!"
I giggle "Thanks Kels! I'll let you go get dressed, meet me downstairs once you're done!"
Kellin winks at me "Sure thing doll." And I shake my head at him before leaving his room and limping slightly down the stairs, the wound in my leg stings but I can walk on it...sort of.

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