Twenty - Arrangements

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As the credits roll for the end of High School Musical 3, I turn to Kellin.
"So what did you think?" I ask excitedly.
Kellin smiles "You're right, they're pretty good! Not my favourite movies but they're alright."
I nod in agreement "They arent my favourite movies either, Im not just into kids movies I promise. There are some absolutely brilliant 18 rated movies I love, though most of my favourite movies are 15's."
Kellim raises an eyebrow "What are your favourite movies?"
I dont even have to think about it "Carrie, Grease and Kick Ass."
Kellin laughs "Are you a superhero fan?"
I nod frantically "I love Wonder Woman and the really old original Super Man movies!"
Kellin smiles "You have good taste, the old Super Man movies are definitely the best."
I smile widely "I know right!?!"
Kellin chuckles "So...I have to go back home again soon, back to my own place..."
My face drops slightly "Oh really? That sucks..."
Kellin kisses my lips lightly "I was wondering if you wanted to come with me and move in with me?"
I smile brightly "Seriously!?! You want me to move in with you!?!"
Kellin chuckles and nods "You're my girlfriend after all!" He winks.
I giggle "Thats true." A sudden realisation hits me "What about Monica?"
Lisa walks in "I'll happily have her stay with me if you like, her and Harper are already like sisters. Kellin comes down and visits a lot anyway."
"Are you sure mom? I dont want to force Monica on you..." I reply.
She laughs and shakes her head "No honey dont worry, its perfectly alright, I love having Monica here."
I smile widely "Awesome! I guess Monica's staying here, she wont wanna leave Harper. Im going to miss her though..."
Kellin kisses me softly "I know you will, she'll be safe here Dee, dont worry. And you'll be completely safe with me!" He smiles.
I giggle "I guess so! When do we leave?"
Kellin is thoughtful for a moment "Tomorrow..."
I gasp "Well it would've sucked if I didnt wanna move in with you and I lost you tomorrow! Your timing SUCKS Mr Quinn!"
He laughs "Sorry! All your stuff is already in duffel bags, its only me that has to pack. I'll go pack my stuff now, you go and break the news to Monica?"
I nod and bite my lip "Sounds like a plan." I jump off him and run upstairs to Harpers room. Im going to have to say goodbye to her tomorrow. My eyes fill with tears at the thought. I knock on Harpers bedroom door and Monica opens it. I walk inside and sit on a chair, the girls sit opposite me on the bed.
"Are you and Kellin together now!?!" Harper asks excitedly.
I giggle and nod "Yeah, we are. I have to talk to you about something..."
Monica gives me a confused look "What is it DeeDee?"
I smile at Monica "You like living here, dont you Monnie?"
She smiles "Yeah! I love it! Harper is like my other sister!"
I nod "Good. Look umm...Kellin is going back home tomorrow and he asked me to go with him. I said yes. Monica...Im moving in with Kellin."
She processes this for a moment "Y-You're leaving?"
I nod "Lisa said you can stay here and live with her, me and Kellin will be coming to visit you a lot too."
She sniffles "Y-You're leaving." She says again, only this time it isnt a question. I pull her into my arms and she cries into my dress.
"Shhhh Monnie shhhh. Its alright princess. I know its going to be hard. If you ever want to talk to me then Im sure Lisa can set up a video-call or at least a phone-call so you can speak to me. Dont worry Monnie." I comfort her, kissing her hair lightly.
"So I can still speak to you whenever I want?" Her mood picks up slightly.
I nod "Yes honey, of course."
She snuggles into my dress "Ok. I'll let you go with Kellin. I'll have to speak to him before you go though, I need to make sure everything goes perfect. Im gonna miss you DeeDee."
I laugh slightly and kiss her cheek "Thank you for giving me permission princess. Im gonna miss you too Monnie. Do you wanna go speak to Kellin now? I'll stay here and hang with Harper, if she wants me to." I wink at Harper and she smiles and nods.
Monica giggles and jumps off me "Im gonna go speak to Kellin now! Harper, keep her in here please!" Harper giggles and nods. Monica runs out of the room and leaves me with Harper.

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