Fourteen - Luckiest Nerd Ever

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My phone beeps in my pocket, making me jump. I wipe my eyes and check it. Just a damn crossy roads notification. I sigh and shove my phone back in my pocket angrily before continuing to cry. I hear footsteps walk around the booth.
"Are you alright?" Somebody asks. Im sure I recognize the voice.
I shake my head "Not really."
The person slumps down the booth and sits beside me "Tell me, I'll listen."
"Thanks. There's this guy and I really like him, he told me he liked me too. Then his friend found out about my obsession with The Terminator and bought me a shirt which has a picture of my babies, Kyle Reese and The Terminator, on it and I got so happy I hugged him. The guy I really like got jealous and walked off, I cant find him anywhere and I've lost him. Its all my fault!" I cry into my knees.
The person is quiet for a moment "Im sure if you explained exactly what happened he wouldnt be mad at you. Im also pretty certain that if he saw you in this state he'd blame himself. You should go look for him, do you want me to help?"
I nod into my knees "Thank you, kind stranger." He laughs. I look up at him and its too dark to see his face. "Do I know you from somewhere? Im pretty sure I've heard your voice before."
The guy laughs again before standing up and holding a hand out to me "Come with me if you want to live!"
My jaw drops "KYLE!?! MICHAEL BIEHN!?!" The guy nods. I grab his hand and he pulls me up. "OH MY GOD!!!"
Michael laughs "Lets go find loverboy shall we?"
I nod at him and we walk out from behind the booth. The light reflects on his face and I see he really is Michael Biehn, the man who plays Kyle Reese in The Terminator. I start looking around frantically for Kellin. Eventually I spot all the guys in a tight circle, surrounding something. Justin separates from the circle and looks up at me. He gasps when he sees who's standing next to me. I nod at him and smile widely. Michael smiles and waves at him. Justin taps Gabe on the shoulder and he turns and has exactly the same reaction before tapping Jacks shoulder. Once the circle is separated I see that Kellin is sitting on a bench with his head in his hands. My hand covers my mouth and I run towards him. I sit next to him and wrap my arms around him.
He looks up at me with a tear-stained face "D-Dee!?!" He croaks.
I nod as tears fall from my eyes "Its me Kels. Im so sorry about hugging Jack, he bought me a Terminator shirt and Im a complete nerd and I was only thanking him! I went to look for you and I couldnt find you so I went and cried behind a booth. Then Kyle Reese from The Terminator found me and he persuaded me to carry on looking for you!"
Kellin pulls me onto his lap "Im so sorry for overreacting! I came back and had no idea where you'd gone, I was so scared! I thought you'd left! I completely understand why you hugged Jack, Im so sorry!"
"Shhh Kels its alright, shhh." I say while trying to calm him down.
Eventually he stops crying and looks up at me "Im so sorry for making you cry and reacting the way I did."
I rest my forehead against his "Its ok Kels, I forgive you. Im sorry for making YOU cry and making you jealous."
Kellin smiles weakly "Dont worry about it, Im sorry you had to see me cry..."
I giggle "No more apologizing! There's somebody I want you to meet!" I stand up and the back of my legs hit the bench, I hiss in pain as the bench makes contact with my stitches. Kellin helps me stand up again.
Michael walks over to us "What happened to your leg!?!"
I smile widely "Oh y'know, typical high speed chase. Terminators man, what can you do?"
He laughs "Smash those metal mother-fuckers into junk!"
I burst out laughing "Oh my fricken god, Terminator references are life!"
Kellin raises an eyebrow "Whats going on!?!"
"Kellin, meet Michael Biehn, also known as Kyle Reese from The Terminator and Hixx from Aliens." I wink at Michael and he smiles.
Kellin clicks his fingers "I thought I recognized him!"
Michael holds out his hand "Nice to meet you dude!"
Kellin shakes it and smiles widely "Nice to meet you too man, thanks for bringing Dee back to me!"
Michael winks "No problem, she was in such a state behind that booth and I saw the shirt she was clutching that has my face on it so I couldnt just leave her."
I blush slightly and Kellin nods "Thank you, Im very grateful you didnt just leave her."
I raise an eyebrow "Michael, what are you actually doing at a fair?"
Michael smiles widely "They had a sci-fi stall, how could I resist?"
I hold up a hand and he high-fives me "Great minds think alike?"
He nods and laughs "Definitely! I only just noticed the shirt your wearing has quote from The Terminator! Kellin, you better look after this girl, she's a keeper and has great taste in movies!" He winks at me.
I blush and Kellin smiles "Oh dont worry, I will!" And he winks down at me.

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