Eleven - Bacon And Nice Legs

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~ Kellins POV ~

When I walk back into the kitchen I notice the washing machine is whirring away and everybody else appears to be eating. Im smiling, the rest of the guys all agreed they'll be over in 10 to help me and Dee get her stuff back. Im slightly nervous, I've seen what her dad is capable of, but with the guys with us Im sure nobody will get us. I take a seat next to Dee and she smiles sweetly at me before going back to her food. She's so beautiful. I just want to make her mine. I know she doesnt want to rush things but...I really love her. I eat some bacon and remember Dee cooked the bacon "This must be the greatest bacon I have ever tasted, the greatest bacon in the history of bacon. This bacon is a gift from the gods."
DeeDee laughs and playfully punches my arm "Thanks for remembering to compliment the bacon Kels but that was sounding like sarcasm!"
I gasp in mock horror "No! This really is phenomenal bacon! Which makes sense because a phenomenal girl cooked it." I wink at her.
She blushes and giggles "Thanks Kels, you're too sweet. Are the guys joining us?"
I nod "Yep, they'll be over in 10."
She smiles and sighs with relief "Thank god."
I wrap an arm around her "You'll be safe Dee, I wont let anybody hurt you."
Monica and Harper start whispering and giggling.
Dee smiles "Thanks Kels, I dont know what I'd do without you."
Monica and Harper squeal before singing "Love is in the air, doodoodoo doodoodoo love is in the air!"
Dee smiles devilishly at them "Girls, you both realize everybody has finished their meals right?"
Harper looks confused "What does that mean?"
Dee smiles devilishly again "It means I can do THIS!!!" She stands up and runs towards them, the girls jump up and start squealing and running away. Dee chases them to the stairs before walking back into the kitchen. My jaw drops. Dee raises an eyebrow "What is it Kels?"
"Y-Your legs!" I stutter, in shock.
Dee blushes "Oh yeah, I forgot, your mom is washing my pants for me because they're covered in blood from my injury..."
My jaw stays hanging open "You. Have. Amazing. Legs."
Dee giggles and spins on her heels "Oh really?"
I nod frantically "Really really!"
My mom shouts "Your pants are done DeeDee!"
She smiles widely and winks at me "Well my AMAZING legs will have to be covered up again now, sorry Kels!" She says sarcastically.
I pout "Dammit!"
She rolls her eyes and runs over to the washing machine, messing my hair up on the way past. My mom hands Dee her clean, bloodless pants and Dee slips them on easily. A few seconds later there are some loud knocks at the door.
Dee smiles widely "I'll get it!" She says before skipping over to the door. As soon as she opens the door Justin swings her over his shoulder and starts running around the house with her. She squeals and starts hitting his back "JUSTIN PUT ME DOOOWN!!!"
Justin shakes his head "Oh hell no!"
"Dont make me set Kellin on you!" She threatens.
Justin laughs "He wouldnt hurt me!"
She raises an eyebrow at him before looking up at me "Ahem, Kellin could you please make this noob let me go? I'd be very grateful."
I laugh and smile "Justins right, I wouldnt hurt him. But...I know someone who would. MOM!!!" I shout.
Justins eyes widen as my mom walks in. Dee smiles widely "HEEEEELP SET ME FREEEE!!!" My mom turns to Justin and raises an eyebrow. She walks over to him and grabs his ear, forcing his head down.
"Justin, let her go." My mom says calmly. Justin lets Dee go and she instantly runs over to me.
"Well this is certainly a plot twist. The damsel in distress was not rescued by a prince but was infact rescued by the princes mother." She laughs slightly.
I pout "Sorry, I couldnt hurt him."
She rolls her eyes "Had I been held by any other male specimen that is not currently in this house, would things have been different?"
I scoff "Hell yeah! I would've kicked any others guys ass!"
She giggles "Would you have kick...kick...KICKED THEM WHEN THEY'RE DOWN!?!?!" She shouts before jumping up and down excitedly. The guys all laugh and start headbanging to Kick Me as though it was actually playing. Dee stops and grabs my hands. She pins my hands at my waist before messing my hair up "Now its already messed up you dont have to worry about messing it up by headbanging!" She turns to the rest of the guys "KICK KICK KICK ME WHEN IM DOWN!!!" She shouts and they all start headbanging again. I roll my eyes and join in with the headbanging. Dee smiles widely at me and continues to headbang. We all somehow start playing air guitar as well, Justin doing the best jumps of course. We have a competition to see who has the best air guitar face and I won, my prize was a kiss on the cheek from Dee which I chose myself as the champion. Then Dee wrapped an arm around my shoulder, having to stand on her tiptoes to do so, and started swaying "WEEEEEE ARE THE CHAPIONS MY FRIENDS DUNDUNDUNDUN AND WE'LL KEEP ON FIIIIIGHTING TILL THE END DUNDUNDUNDUN!!!!" She sings loudly. She's absolutely phenomenal and Im falling more and more inlove with her every second that passes by.

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