Fourty Two - Tweet Tweet!

529 21 1

~ Dee's POV ~

My book has been completed for just over a week now. I've been catching up on Youtube videos and social media since its completion, I've missed so much. Hell, I didnt even know about Caitlyn Jenner! As I was grabbing my cooked pop-tart, my phone rang.
"Hello, is this Delilah?" A woman asks at the other end of the phone.
"Yes, this is her, how can I help you?" I ask curiously.
"Im friends with the developers of Wattpad, they filled me in on your book completion phenomenon. I recently read the book myself. You say every word of it is true?" She replies.
I smile "Yes, every word."
"So you have everything video documented?" She asks, sounding hopeful.
"Yeah, I do, why?" I ask questioningly.
"Well, I actually work in Hollywood and I was wondering if you wanted to turn your story into a movie? You'd use the videos you made and put them all in order, the story explained by you through the camera. I think it'd be a hit!" I can hear the smile in her voice that she's trying to cover up with a professional tone.
"Oh my god! Hell yeah! That would be awesome! Thank you so much!" I squeal. We continue to discuss how its going to work and how we're going to do this. The phone call lasted two hours in total. Once its over, Im shaking with excitement.

" So...I just got a call from someone in Hollywood...MY BOOK IS BEING MADE INTO A MOVIE WITH ALL THE VLOGS I DID GUYS HELP IM HYPERVENTILATING!!! 😱👌🏻💕 "

Kellin replies with a tweet:

" Awh baby congratulations! Im so proud of you! Your dream has finally come true! 😘❤️ "

I reply with:

" No Mr Quinn, this is my life goal. You are my dream babe! 😘❤️👌🏻 "

He responds to that with:

" Awwwwwwwwwwh babyyyyy! God, I love you 😍😘❤️👌🏻 "

I giggle before replying with:

" I love you too Kels! ❤️ Is there a live stream of you guys tonight? 😍😘❤️👌🏻 "

He replies with:

" Yeah! I'll be sure to try my extra extra hardest for you! 😍😘❤️👌🏻 "

I respond with:

" I thought you did that anyway Kels!?! 😂😍😘❤️👌🏻 "

He replies with:

" I do...I'll just do my usual then ok? I just wanted to sound like a good boyfriend dammit! 😂😍😘❤️👌🏻 "

I laugh before responding:

" Kels you ARE a good boyfriend, you dont need to SOUND like one! You're perfect in every way, the best boyfriend ever! And I love you, good luck! 😍😘❤️👌🏻 "

Kellin replies with:

" Awh, you're too kind baby! I love you too and thanks! 😍😘❤️👌🏻 "

Then I turn off my phone and go onto my laptop, pop tart in hand, to search up the live stream of the most perfect boyfriend in history of the universe.

The Strays (Kellin Quinn Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora