Twenty Eight - Jump Around Master Builder!

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~ DeeDee's POV ~

I stand up and bounce on the bed. Ha, not bad! I can roll with this.
"Kels, I'd say this bed is like an 8!" I say thoughtfully.
Kellin raises an eyebrow "Seriously? An 8?"
I nod and continue jumping "Come and test it out for yourself!"
Kellin shakes his head "I dont wanna break it!"
I roll my eyes "Do you want me to prove how strong this bed is?" Kellin shakes his head, I giggle and jump as high as I can before landing with a thump with my legs crossed in a sitting position. "Now if this bed can take the force of me jumping like that, it can DEFINITELY take more than your weight jumping! Dont be a killjoy, thats my job!"
Kellin laughs and shakes his head "You're not a killjoy!"
I gasp "Oh but I am Mr Quinn, Im the biggest fan of My Chemical Romance there is!" I wink and jump up again, bouncing from one side of the bed to the other.
Kellins jaw drops "Did you seriously just admit you're a killjoy?"
I nod and stick my tongue out at him "You mad bro!?!"
Kellin smiles widely and jumps on the bed, pulling me down to lie next to him "I cant believe you!"
I raise an eyebrow "Do you have something against mcr?"
Kellin shakes his head frantically "Oh hell no, Im a killjoy too! I couldnt believe you were one!"
I giggle "Of course I am! I actually have GOOD TASTE in music!"
Kellin laughs "I already knew that!"

~ Couple Of Hours Later ~

"Kels, we should really go grocery shopping and buy the necessary materials for room upgrades, I need to get started on decorating dammit!" I kick my legs from the kitchen counter and wrap them around Kellins waist.
He smiles "Ok, Im definitely paying though!"
I shake my head "No way, Im decorating so Im paying!"
Kellin raises an eyebrow "How much money do you even have baby?"
I roll my eyes "Well my mom left me all her money and I havent spent a penny of it, I've also had many saturday jobs over the years. Im pretty rich!"
Kellin smiles "Im still paying!"
I sigh "Lets make a deal, I'll pay for all the groceries seeing as Im going to be the one cooking, you can pay for the decorating materials if you insist on paying for something!"
Kellin smiles triumphantly "That sounds doable, lets go!" He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the house.

Shopping with Kellin is probably the most hilarious thing in the universe. He tried to convince me to buy luminous paint at first, then he went on to black until I told him that has been proven to drive people literally insane. I've been walking around the grocery section of the store and picking up all the necessities: fruit, vegetables, milkshakes, hot chocolate mix, meat, apple sauce and a large box of cookies that were being sold with a 50% off deal which I couldn't refuse, they're damn cookies! After that I pushed the shopping cart over to the paint aisle to see Kellin tapping his chin in thought. He's in the complete wrong section of the spectrum! I shake my head and nudge him in the side with the shopping cart before signalling towards a certain can of paint with my head. He smiles widely and picks it up, putting it in the shopping cart triumphantly. I laugh at him and pick up another can of a different colour to paint the guest room. I begin pushing the shopping cart towards a till but Kellin comes up behind me an wraps his arms around me, he lifts me up so I'm standing on the shopping cart and he holds onto the shopping cart. He pushes it faster and faster down the aisles and once he believes its fast enough he jumps on the shopping cart with me and we speed down the aisles, I'm squealing at the top of my lungs of course.

Once we're home again I run upstairs and find my bags, rummaging through them until I find it: my trusty video camera. I squeal and turn it on, instantly pressing record.
"Hey Monnie! I decided I'm going to make these video logs for you, so that when you're older you can watch them and see what me and Kellin have been doing! So we arrived here about an hour ago, I've been given a grand tour of the house and we've already shopped for groceries. Its been great so far! Let's go see what Kellins doing shall we!?!" I run downstairs and see Kellin putting the shopping bags on the kitchen side, I point the camera towards him. "Well hey there Kellin!" I giggle.
He turns and smiles widely at me, raising an eyebrow "Hey baby, what you doin?"
I smile widely at him "Making video logs for Monnie, so when she's older she can watch them and see what we've been doing!"
Kellin laughs "So, vlogs then?"
I blush "Y-Yeah, I guess so."
Kellin laughs again and walks towards me, kissing my forehead sweetly "I'm gonna need your help unpacking the groceries, you can arrange the cupboards however you want." He says quietly.
I squeal "Yay!" I run over to the bags and start unpacking. Kellin laughs at me before helping me unpack.

After we unpacked my bags, my closet arrived. Kellin ordered this while we were on the plane and it just arrived. He leaves me to finish off unpacking while he sets up my closet. Once I'm finished I pick up my camera and head downstairs. Kellin sits on the floor, screwdriver in mouth, staring in confusion at the pieces of wood that surround him. I laugh and point the camera at him.
"Here we see the master builder at work! Kels, why don't you just use the manual?"
Kellins eyebrows scrunch together as he picks up a piece of wood and turns it over in his hands "I threw it into a black hole."
I giggle "Oh really? And why did you do that?"
Kellin sighs and drops the wood, finally making eye contact with me "Because I disagreed with it!
I smile widely at him " Ok, that's fair enough. However, I do wonder how you could get close enough to a black hole to throw it in without you falling into the vacuum yourself. I also wonder where you found said black hole." I wink at him.
He laughs "You got me there, smartass!"
I giggle "So, where did you REALLY put the manual?"
He sighs "In the trash." I nod and calmly stroll over to the trash can, fishing out the manual. I walk back into the living room and sit beside Kellin, he looks over at me for a second "The instructions are all in French."
I facepalm "Kellin. Why on Earth did you order a French closet!?!"
He blushes "I wanted the best for you..."
I kiss his cheek "Awww! Don't worry Kels, I can fix this!" I wink at him and look through the manual. I nod in thought "Ok, that bit goes...there, it goes there!" I start telling Kellin where things go and eventually theres a fully built closet in the middle of the living room.
Kellin smiles at me in amazement "How did you do that!?! How did you understand what the manual said!?!"
I giggle "I simply remembered some of the French words I knew and used those to piece together basic sentences." I shrug.
Kellin wraps an arm around me and kisses my temple "You're absolutely amazing."
I giggle "You say that now..."
Kellin raises an eyebrow "What do you mean?"
I laugh out loud "Well, according to this manual, the closet is too wide and long to fit up the stairs..."
His jaw drops "What are you saying?"
"I think we're gonna have to take it all apart, carry it upstairs and put it all back together again..." I admit quietly. Kellin facepalms and I burst out laughing. "JOKING KELLIN!!! It'll fit perfectly, don't worry about it!" I move his hand from his forehead and kiss his forehead.
Kellin laughs "Dammit Dee, you had me worried there!"

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