Twenty Seven - The Greatest Tour Ever

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~ Kellins POV ~

With DeeDee on my back, I begin the tour of the house. First I show her the living room. "This is the living room, though its not the only room we live in." I explain.
DeeDee giggles "Well thats good to know!"
I laugh and carry her across the hall to the kitchen "This is where I keep all the ready meals and take-outs because I cant cook."
DeeDee jumps off my back "Otherwise known as a kitchen that will actually be used now! Nice oven dude, lots of space in this fridge, that is one cool-ass toaster, dude...there's bread in here growing fur..." She pulls a loaf of bread out of the cupboard that I'd completely forgotten about.
I laugh guiltily "Oops!?!"
She rolls her eyes and throws it away before searching the cupboards "Looks like we're gonna have to go grocery shopping later dude, you have literally NOTHING in this kitchen!" She shakes her head and hops on my back again.
I carry her downstairs into the basement "This is my man cave!" I smile proudly at the large flat screen tv, xbox 360, various magazines, the comfiest couch on planet earth and the most awesome rug ever.
DeeDee laughs "This is awesome! That rug is pretty fucking epic by the way!"
I laugh with her "I know right? Its my favourite rug!" I carry her back upstairs before taking her to the second floor. I walk calmly to the bathroom "This is the bathroom! Used for washing, pissing and shitting."
DeeDee laughs "And something else?"
I raise an eyebrow "What do you mean?"
She jumps off my back and bends down beside the toilet before picking up a porno magazine. Both of her eyebrows raise "Kellin, cant say Im not surprised."
I blush a violent shade of red "T-Thats not mine!?!"
She starts flicking through the magazine and shakes her head "Kellin, what the fuck man!?!"
I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly "U-Umm..."
She giggles "Dont worry about it Kels, men gotta do what men gotta do am I right? Its only human, Im not mad at you or anything!" She puts it back where she found it.
I shake my head and pick it up "Im not gonna need this anymore anyway."
She raises an eyebrow "And why's that?"
I wrap my arms around her waist "'re here!"
She processes that for a second before blushing adorably and burying her face in my shirt "Kellin you're outrageous!"
I laugh and kiss her hair "I know, but you love me anyway, even with my porno magazines and bad jokes!"
She giggles and nods in my shirt "Yes, yes I do. Lets be clear on one thing though, I love you, NOT your porno magazines."
I laugh "Well Im glad you arent mad at me!"
She shrugs "Like I said, its only natural. I dont understand why you'd bother with a magazine, you could've just paid for prostitutes!"
I shake my head and laugh "No thanks, I'd rather stay STD free if you dont mind!"
She giggles "Ah yes, there is that I guess."
"Shall we continue the tour?" I ask curiously.
She nods and jumps on my back "We shall!"
I laugh and walk across the hall to the spare bedroom "This is the spare bedroom, nobody sleeps here really. Its a pretty depressing room, I've been meaning to brighten it up a bit but I've never found the time."
DeeDee smiles widely "I can see exactly how this room could be improved, dont worry about it."
I laugh "It can be one of our projects together!"
She giggles "Perfect, great idea Kels!"
I smile and carry her to the music room "This is the study or music room as I call it, its where all the magic happens! I write songs here and hang up records on the walls, as you can see." I point to the wide array or records I have as decoration on the wall.
DeeDee gasps "Is that a BON JOVI RECORD!?!?!"
I nod "Yeah, John Bon Jovi is a huge inspiration to me, I love his music."
I laugh "Its my favourite as well actually, John Bon Jovi is a lyric writing genius!"
She nods excitedly and gasps again "GREEN DAY!?!?! DUDE YOU'RE KILLING ME HERE!!!"
I laugh again "I think we'd better move on from this room before you fangirl over every other record!"
She nods and giggles, jumping on my back again. I carry her to an empty room across the hall "There's nothing in here, I've never known what to do with this room. Hey, I have an idea! Seeing as I have the music room, you can have this room! To put all your favourite memories and music in and do whatever you want!"
She squeals "You're giving me A ROOM!?!?!?"
I smile and nod "This is your house too now, I've gotta share!"
She kisses my cheeks "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I can see exactly how this room could look oh my god!"
I raise an eyebrow "Are you some sort of interior decorator?"
She shakes her head and smiles "No but I've always had a way with organising things, I can picture exactly how a room could look if I made improvements or re-modelled it, my mom used to say it was a gift." She laughs and shakes her head.
"Its similar to the way I am with music, I can imagine how I want a song to sound and make people feel, I just have to find the best way to achieve that!" I explain.
DeeDee nods and smiles "You have a way with words that I'll never understand, you're a lyric writing genius Kels, I hope you know that."
I smile widely and walk her to my bedroom "And this is my bedroom, I guess its ours now though."
She nods "How jumpable is the bed on a scale of 1-10?"
Im thoughtful for a second "Actually, I have no idea! I've never jumped on it!"
She gasps and jumps off of my back before launching herself on to the bed.

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