Five - Music Pain And Justin

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~ DeeDee's POV ~

When I open the door to the house of hell I sigh. I have to face another night of abuse. Great. I look around, good, dad isnt home yet. Smiling, I run up the stairs. I feel something leave my head. I feel my hair, its gone static!?! Raising an eyebrow, I look back down the stairs. On the 3rd step down Kellins hat lies still. I smile, I totally forgot I was wearing that. I run back down a few steps and grab his hat, clutching it close to my chest. It smells like Kellin. This will be the only positive piece of anything I'll have for the next few hours. I sit down on my bed and put Kellins hat on again, flicking through my mothers ipod. It seems she liked this band called My Chemical Romance? Huh, they sound cool! Not as good as Sleeping With Sirens though. I decide to listen to some more Sleeping With Sirens music, I havent hear anything from Madness yet and it seems to be their most recently released album. I click on a song titled: Parasites. Within seconds Im headbanging like crazy. This shit is AWESOME!

I listen to the whole album, learning several songs off by heart, before the front door opens with a BANG. My body instantly stiffens. I quickly hide Kellins hat under the covers of my bed and put my mothers ipod inside it. I dont want my father seeing any of those things. They're the only things I love that arent Monica and Kellin. Yes. I do love Kellin. Im not sure how strong that love is yet. I know its a love I shouldnt feel this early in our friendship. If I told him he'd probably get freaked out and run away. I shake my head, I wish I was pretty enough for guys like Kellin.

The footsteps that have haunted my entire life get louder as he comes closer to my room. I hunch up in a ball and close my eyes, hoping that when I open them my father wont be home yet or better still I'll be with Kellin. I open my eyes and look around, no such luck. Im still in my room and the footsteps have reached my closed bedroom door. My door swings open and hits the wall with a loud thud, making me jump. My father storms in, his sleeves rolled up revealing yet more needle wounds and a pocket knife in hand. My eyes widen at the sight of the blade. He wouldnt. Would he?

"WHY DID YOU LEAVE THE HOUSE!?!?!" He booms in a voice like thunder
I shrink away from him "M-Monica wanted to go to the p-park..."
"WHERE IS THAT LITTLE BRAT!?!?" He starts looking around my room frantically.
I stand up, sudden confidence and adrenaline filling my veins. "She's not here. I wouldnt let you touch her if she was. She isnt your own personal punching bag. She's a human being, just like me, and neither of us deserve this shit!"
My fathers face reddens and I gasp at the realisation of what I said. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME BITCH!?!?!" Oh god, Im in for it now. He lifts the blade in his hand "I WASNT GOING TO USE THIS ON YOU BUT AFTER THAT LITTLE SPEECH I THINK IM GOING TO HAVE TO, YOU CLEARLY THINK YOU'RE SOMETHING SPECIAL AND YOU NEED TO BE PUT BACK IN YOUR PLACE!!!"
I shake my head "Please dont!" I cry.
He snickers at me and walks towards me. I back away but he grabs my arm and yanks me forward so Im mere inches away from him. He punches me hard in the stomach, making me double over, before pushing me to the floor. I groan in pain. He bends down and holds me in place before using the blade on the back of my leg. I scream in agony as blood pours from my leg. When the cut reaches the back of my foot my father stands up "THAT'LL TEACH YOU!!! NOW IM GOING TO GO OUT WITH MY FRIENDS AND HAVE A GOOD NIGHT AND YOU ARE NOT GOING TO RUIN IT!!!" He shouts before storming out of my room, down the stairs and out of the house.

I crawl up onto my knees and attempt to stand up. I scream out in agony. I have to get help, this is serious. I hobble to the stairs and slide down them on my butt. When I look out the window I see its dark outside. I must've been listening to music for longer than I thought. I lean against the wall for support and pull open the front door. Cool air slaps my face. I remember Kellins address, its past the park on the opposite street. It doesnt take more than a minute to reach the park normally but with this injury I have no idea how long Im going to be hobbling down the street. I also have to some how cross the road with no support to hold me up. This is gonna be fun.

I begin hobbling down my street towards the park, leaning against peoples front gates to stop from falling on my face. When I reach the park Im gasping for breath. The blood loss has definitely made me weaker and this is not fun. Im using the park gate to lean on for support now. I soon reach the road that I must cross with no support at all. I take a step forward with me good leg before falling over in the street, landing in the middle of the road. I cry out in pain. A car haults to a stop and someone jumps out. They run to my side.
"Oh my god are you ok!?!" A male voice asks worriedly.
I shake my head "My dad cut my leg and I need help."
The person nods "Well my friend Kellin lives just over there, I'll take you to his place ok?"
I nod frantically "Thats where I was originally headed!"
The person laughs and helps me stand up "Hey, Im Justin, nice to meet you!"
I smile weakly "Hey, Im DeeDee, nice to meet you too Justin. Are you in sws by any chance?"
Justin nods "Yep, bass player."
"Cool!" I state, smiling.
Justin lifts one of my arms over his shoulder and walks me towards Kellins front door. Thank god he has such nice friends.

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