Thirty Two - Letting It All Go

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~ Dee's POV ~

This is becoming unbearable. Im pretty sure I'll die of boredom. That sounds bad, considering my father abusing me would be the normal cause of death in my situation, but SERIOUSLY there is nothing to do! I've become addicted to the internet over the time I've been living with Kellin and here I have no phone, no laptop, no wifi. Hell, I dont even have board games!

Its been 4 days. I think so anyway. Im constantly in the dark, I have no idea how long I've been here. It feels like forever, however long it really is. My father has been gone about an hour I think, I've been counting the minutes as they go, thats how bored I am. Its the longest he's been gone in the time I've been held prisoner. I decide to re-evaluate my situation. So, Im sitting on the cold, hard, possibly metal floor. My left wrist is handcuffed to a railing or table of some description. I've tried everything, nothing will loosen these damn handcuffs. My father has the keys to them hooked on his belt and there aint no way Im getting them off him!

There's also the fact Im missing Kellin, a lot. I've been reliving moments we've had together when my father hasnt been beating me up, I havent smiled in however long I've been here. Nor have I laughed. I havent done anything physically myself apart from crying really.

I guess I always expected this to happen. Its not like my father would just let me go, is it? Especially not after I flipped him off and recited very rude sws lyrics at him out of a car window. Yikes. Im in real deep shit. Oh well, I was in deep shit anyway.

I may seem positive but trust me, Im not. This is just me when Im depressed on a good day. Im not sure why I feel better than yesterday. Nothing has happened. Well, unless you include the abuse.

I can hear his footsteps echoing through the warehouse, the only thing letting me know this place is huge. I attempt to hide behind one of the wooden crates that surround me, the handcuffs pull me back to my previous position. Ah shit, Im not getting away. He walks over to me, I can only just make out his figure in the little light. Will I ever see daylight again? Probably not. I get punched in the face, my cheek hitting the cold metal floor. There's an evil laugh before Im kicked several times in the stomach. Groaning pain, I urge myself to pass out, to die, anything to end this torture.

Its been another day. Today Im not as happy as yesterday. This sucks. What did I do to deserve this? Is Kellin even coming to get me? Not if he knows whats good for him, which Im guessing he doesnt seeing as he's my boyfriend. Will I ever get out of this shithole? The life Kellin and I had feels like it was a century ago, the memories are faded as though they happened a lifetime ago, it seems like a dream. It probably was a dream, wasnt it? A guy as perfect as Kellin, loving me. Yeah, its gotta be a dream. This is my world. The cold, cruel, harsh reality. Im hated. Im unloved. Nobody is coming for me. Im useless, worthless and unwanted. This is the way I deserve to live. Punished until the end for being so pointless. Nobody but me deserves this. Im a waste of space. Kellin is better off without me, everyone is. What is even the point of my existence? There is none. There never has been. Nobody cares. Nobody did. Nobody ever will. Thats when I give up. On everything. On being rescued. On clinging to happiness. It just floats away. Im left an empty, silent, lonely, depressed mess. A shell of the person I used to be. I let it all go and accept that this is all Im getting for the rest of my sad life, abuse and hate. Exactly what I deserve.

The Strays (Kellin Quinn Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें