Eighteen - Dreams Do Come True

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About 20 minutes later Lisa walks back in the room squealing.
"The other half of the evening is prepared and waiting in position, bring her out!" She orders before leaving the room once again. I raise an eyebrow but the girls simply grab me by the arms and begin pulling me down the hall towards the front door. They pull me outside before running back in and shutting the door. The fuck!?! I shake my head at the door and turn around. The whole yard is lit up by beautiful lights, creating a pathway. I walk down the pathway, curious to see what will meet me at the end, to find Kellin sitting up at a table looking terrified. Shit. Am I going to have to face him now!?! He looks around and when he spots me he jumps up and gasps.
"D-Dee you look beautiful!" He exclaims.
I giggle and look down at the floor "Thanks Kels, you look pretty good yourself."
He chuckles "Thanks! Your table m'lady." He winks at me and pulls a chair out for me.
I giggle and sit on it "Why thank you kind sir!"
He sits back at the other side "So, Monica, Harper and my mom planned this whole thing."
I nod "Yeah, to sort out our apparent 'relationship issues'"
Kellin smiles widely "Well, my mom told me that there are 2 piles of cards on this table and each card holds a question. You have to ask me the question on your card and I must answer it before doing the same." He signals to the cards on the table.
I smile "Ok, I'll start." I pick up a card and read it "What do you find attractive in a girl?"
Kellin sits back in his chair and is thoughtful for a moment "I love it when a girl is funny and laughs at my jokes, I love it when a girl giggles and blushes when I compliment her and I really love shy girls." He smiles, proud of his answer, before picking up a card. "What do you find attractive in a guy?"
I tap my chin in thought "Well personality wise I like a guy who isnt afraid to cry infront of me and can cheer me up even when Im crying, a guy who can give good hugs is literally a gift from the gods in my opinion, I also love it when guys can act like big kids around me, that shows they arent afraid to be themselves infront of me which I love. Physically though I like eyes, some people have awesome eyes. Like you, I get lost in your eyes sometimes."
He smiles "You like my eyes?"
I nod and blush slightly "They're really pretty."
He smiles widely "Aww! Thanks doll!"
I pick up a card "Whats your favorite thing to do in a relationship?"
Kellin is thoughtful for a moment "I like lazy days where I can stay in my pj's with the most perfect girl on the planet, cuddled up on the couch watching movies." He smiles and picks up a card "What exactly are you afraid of when it comes to relationships? What are you afraid will happen? Whats stopping you?"
I look at the floor "I-I umm...you're gonna laugh..."
Kellin shakes his head "I promise I wont."
I sigh "Im scared to disappoint you, let you down. I know for a fact you're more experienced when it comes to relationships and I dont wanna let you down. Im terrified that I'll disappoint you so much I'll lose you..." Tears begin to fall from my eyes.
Kellin jumps up and pulls me into his arms, he sits on my chair and pulls me onto his lap. "Shhh Dee shhh. You wouldnt disappoint me, not even a little bit. And you wouldnt lose me, dont worry."
"I've already lost you, y-you like someone else. Y-you asked me how you should t-tell her how you f-feel. Im sorry for being so scared and being so annoying that you found someone else. Im sorry." I cry into his shirt.
He shakes his head "I have no other friends I could ask for advice. I had to ask you how to tell YOU my feelings without saying I was planning to tell YOU my feelings."
I look up at him "S-So you dont like someone else?"
He shakes his head "No, I love you."
I stop crying after that and snuggle into his shirt "I love you too Kels." I whisper, he didnt hear me. He gently places me back in my seat before returning to his. He holds my hand from across the table. I pick up a card "How exactly do you feel about me?" I ask softly.
Kellin blushes. "Well, over the past week I've had a lot of fun with you and I've got to know you a lot better. Everyday I've been falling more inlove with you. The little things you do drive me crazy, like when you blush or bite your lip. I want to make you mine. I want to hold you in my arms and never let you go. I want you to feel safe when you're with me. I love you so much Delilah...I just wish you'd give me a chance."
"Over the past week I've got to know you a lot better too. At first my love for you was just a crush but over the past week its developed into true love. When you asked me for advice my heart broke, I went onto the roof and cried for god knows how long. It hurt so much to think I wasnt good enough. Then I found out you wanted to tell ME your feelings you just had nobody else to ask for advice. Before, I was scared to be in a relationship with anyone, I didnt want to disappoint anyone. But after you said all that...Im not scared anymore. I want to be yours, I want you to hold me in your arms and never let me go, I already do feel safe when Im with you. I love you so much Kellin and Im giving you a chance." I squeeze his hand from across the table.
He looks up at me in shock "Y-You're giving me a chance!?!"
I giggle and nod "How cant I? Im inlove with you!"
He stands up and walks over to me, he holds both of my hands in his. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
I blush and nod frantically "Yes Kellin, yes I will!"
He smiles widely and pulls me up into his arms "You have no idea how happy I am."
I giggle "Oh I dont know, I think I've got a pretty good idea of how happy you are."
He kisses my hair lightly "I love you."
I smile up at him "I love you too."

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