44. Motivation

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After Peter asked his mother-in-law to apologize, she did not insult Robin anymore, though she didn't apologize either. But Peter wasn't mad, he knew she really disliked admitting her mistakes, so the fact that she changed her attitude towards Robin a bit was enough for him.

He was confused, at first, about the reason she treated Robin like that, but now he understood to a certain degree. After all, he had also struggled and was still struggling with the same question. Did he see Robin as a replacement for Leah? Was he allowed to like someone else just a year after she passed away? Did he deserve to move on after neglecting his duties towards Leah and her family for a year?

But still, that was about him, none of it was Robin's fault. By taking it out on him, she had crossed the line, and Peter just had to say something.

After that, Robin obviously relaxed a bit, which was a relief to Peter who absolutely loathed seeing the usually easy-going Robin be so uneasy, to the point where he messed stuff up because he kept trembling.


Mrs Wilson left at 8PM, when Robin put Felicia to bed. 'Please come more often, we miss you,' she had said while hugging her grandma one last time, which had elicted a small smile from her. 'We'll see.'

Peter saw her off. 'Would you like me to come visit you again?' he asked. 'I know I'm late, but I really hope you can give me a new chance. I'll try my best to be a better son-in-law.'

She stared at him. 'Are you and Robin really not in a relationship?' she then asked.

'We're not,' he confirmed. 'But I do have feelings for him.'

He saw she was about to say something and quickly continued. 'It's confusing to me too, and I don't know if it's okay, what I should do and what Leah would want me to do, if I should even do anything with it... I'm trying to find my way too. But I can assure you I will make sure to think this through thoroughly before I take any steps.'

She looked at him for a while and nodded eventually. Without saying anything -she probably didn't know how to reply- she opened the car door and got in.

'The rest of the family wants to see you too,' she stated, before closing the door.

The answer was clear. Peter smiled and waved at her when she drove off.


'I'm really sorry,' he said when Robin got downstairs. He handed the cup of tea he had made for the boy over to him. 'I had no idea she would treat you like this, but it's because of me and I could at least have told you who it was in advance.'

'It's okay.' The younger smiled. 'Thanks for standing up for me, Peter. You didn't have to do that.'

'I did. I couldn't watch her degrade you like that. You haven't done anything wrong, she was being unfair.'

Robin smiled. 'So, you went to Leah's grave?' he asked, changing the topic.

'Yes,' said Peter. They sat on the couch. 'It's the first time I actually stayed for a while. I used to be unable to look at her grave without panicking. But last night, I had a dream.'

He told Robin about the dream and the butterfly. 'It was like a sign for me to accept it, and I actually felt calm about it, somewhat glad even. She really suffered a lot in those last months. So I guess I'm starting to move on for real now.'

Robin's eyes seemed to shine when he softly said: 'I'm so proud of you, Peter.'

'It's all thanks to you,' Peter said. 'Because you are my motivation.'

Robin blushed. Then, he remembered something. 'Right. Felicia told me just now that she wants to visit Leah too. I get the feeling that she wants to talk about Leah with you as well. Actually, I've had that thought for a while.'

Peter nodded. 'I know, I should. I think I'll be able to soon. I'll try to take her to the cemetery next week.'

Robin smiled. 'She will be happy.'


They talked a lot after that. About Leah, Peter's relationship with her parents, the kids. It was close to midnight when they went to sleep, together again. Though for some reason it felt strange now that Peter was aware of his own feelings. He decided to keep a little bit more distance, but still, he held Robin's hand. Even though his own feelings were worrying him at times, he would not run away from Robin. Never.

And even if he wanted to, he still wouldn't be able to let go of that hand.


You can say a lot about Mrs Wilson, but her gaydar is pretty intact. Well, that, or Peter and Robin are just way too obvious.

For today, I just decided to go with the song I am listening to right now. It's a bop!

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